Part 1

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Hi. This is my first story. Yay. I hope you like it! :)

Skylar swung open the door and slammed it behind her as she walked in. She speed-walked to her room. Her first day of high school wasn't good, you could say.

She threw her backpack at the ground and sat on her bed. All she did was stare at the wall.

"I'm so stupid," she said.

She reached for the remote and turned on the TV. That was all she ever really did, go on the internet and watch TV. Adding in sleeping.

Skylar dropped her laptop on her bed and turned it on as she sat down in front of it. While waiting for it to load she thought over her entire life. Feeling this way... she didn't like it.

The sound of the computer turning on woke her from her little day dream. Of course, she did her homework before going on anything. She wanted to put it all aside.

After she finished she logged onto Tumblr like every other antisocial, weird, awkward human being does after homework. Tumblr was like her home, sometimes.

Skylar scrolled through all the hate she was given while away, learning. She wanted to burst into tears.

"Kill yourself"

"No one likes you"

"You're a whore"

"Go cry and cut yourself, bitch"

"You want to know what would be awesome? You killing yourself."

As she scrolled through tears formed in her eyes. Holding them back was too tough. She broke down into tears. It happened at least everyday.

Before reading another thing, she exited out of Tumblr. Now was the time to make up excuses to not go to school. Half of those people were from school. She wasn't going to deal with this online and offline. Hell no.

Night came quick and she wasn't happy about it.

"Make this end," she said through tears, "I don't want this anymore."

Footsteps appeared behind the door and quickly, she wiped her tears. Expecting her father to walk in, it was her mother. Her mother came over and kissed her on the head. Without even saying a word, she walked out.

Awkward. Skylar just went along with it. That was the first time in a while her mother had done that.

She pulled the blankets over her body and fell asleep. It's been like, a really long time since she slept.

Skylar lifted her eyes and looked at the time. School. Fucking. School. Sometimes she wants to burn it down, who doesn't?

Without having breakfast she hurried out the door. It was just better to get it over with y'know? That's what she was going to do. Get it over with.

Just as she was about to push through the doors someone tripped her. Their plan failed because she captured her balance before falling. She wanted to laugh so hard, but she didn't. All she did was smile and walk inside.

After school she rushed home. Tripping was not allowed while walking home. Neither is pushing, shoving, kicking, punching, and various things. Just... no.

Skylar slammed the door behind her and looked up to see her family. They were staring at her.

"I um, I didn't mean to slam it," she looked down.

Before listening to what anyone spoke, she hurried to her room. Accidentally, she slammed the door. It's a habit.

Skylar sat down on her bed and stared at the floor. Her stare slowly turned into a daze. Then her father broke it by barging in.

He came over quickly. Yep, she was used to it. Very used to it.

Her father slapped her. She wasn't shocked or anything. She was just use to it. This happened occasionally.

Only a few more times he did it before walking out. That was the softest he ever went. It kinda creeped her out.

Again, she just logged on Tumblr. Before anything else, she scrolled through all the hate. Each and every one made her break down. Until she saw one that stood out.

"You're beautiful. They're just jealous. Skylar, I don't know you at all, (I really wish I did) but you're an amazing person. Don't let them step all over you. Stay strong sweetie<3"

Through tears she managed to reply. She actually spelled everything correctly while her vision was blurry.

"I'm crying omg. Thank you so much. <3"

Slowly, she closed her laptop and put it on the desk. She hadn't used any of those razors in a while. She looked at the hidden razors. This time, she ignored them and walked back to bed.

Skylar woke up to the noise of annoying brothers. They were going crazy and they were happy because they were sick.

"Guys, shut up!" she shouted at them.

Skylar slammed her door and got ready. They weren't going to destroy her day more.

Today at school was worse for her. A girl pushed her down. She got thrown around. All she heard was shit and rumors about her.

"She's a whore."

"What a slut."

"Bitch should cut some more."

"She'll never be good enough."




"She's so fat"

It seemed like it would never end. Like she couldn't escape it. Escaping this feeling was impossible. Getting away from everyone, was what she wanted to do. She just couldn't.

Skylar raced towards home. She needed to get away. Her plan was going to work this time. It was going to.

That night she tiptoed to the bathroom. She reached her hand into the cabinet and grasped pills. Just as she pulled them out her father had walked in.

He grabbed them and threw them back in. She just stood there staring at him until he grabbed her arm. Quickly he threw her into her room, slamming the door behind him.

That just wasn't meant to happen. It destroyed her plan. Now she was just too afraid to go back. Too afraid to wake up in the morning. What would happen? Would she get in more trouble? Get kicked out or something? All she ever did was worry, who knows what could happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2013 ⏰

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