I want love!

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Ally POV
You don't know how badly i want love,everybody else has a bf/gf and im a lonely kid.

Trish:Hey Ally,whats up?

Ally:Oh hey Trish,as usuall

Trish:OMG Ally are you still on that 'love needing' chapter? Im telling you stop worrying,stop wanting.Your prince will come *smile*

Ally:You know what Trish!Your right,i will stop,i think im going to be happier,i won't want love anymore.*smile*

Trish:Thats the spirit!

Ally:*laugh*Tnx Trish your a great BFF *hug*

Trish:Aww tnx Ally *hug* *smile*

Ally:Come on,lets go to class!

Trish:Ok,lets go

They go to class,the day went on normally,at lunch Trish and Ally laughed and had a nice lunch,Ally saw a couple and felt sad but then she rememberd what Trish told her and forgot bout it.

She really,wanted to be loved,to fell special,to smile big with a reason,to cuddle with 'the one',she really wanted to be loved :( 
And she will be,right?

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