It has been a darkest Day not just for the world but also for Japan... That the number one hero has fallen by the hands of the Fatal Five.
Japan and many of its Pro Heroes lost hope, but except for some that still had hope within the other Heroes of the Justice League and Young Justice and the new Teen Titans to bring New Hope within the people.
Somewhere in Japan and explosion was been heard...many civilians tried calling some Pro Heroes but however some didn't really care as much.
however for the new Team Titans to come along the seem to figure out what exactly is going on.
Explosions happened came towards it.
A group of individuals also may be in some new villains came in.
Izuku: so what are we dealing with new villain...
Cyborg: well probably it might be one of our villains came here..
Izuku: is that so.. who are they..
Raven: actually.. they are called-
Before Raven could say anything a familiar voice came in that the Teen Titans know too well.
Gizmo: well if it isn't.. the new Teen Titans..
Gizmos, Jinx's, Mammoth and and the others came in.
Sideways: well well if it isn't the hive five..
See-More: I was expecting the original ones but it seems that sometimes out with the old and in with the new..
Speedy: you know, you're no match against us..
Powergirl: that's right we always can kick your butts again..
Vixen: yeah besides you're know how to make a bit of an entrance..
Blackfire: yeah because it certainly seems that you're about to be end up in prison..
Billy Numerous: oh really with the number one hero gone soon crime will rise again..
Izuku: doesn't really matter other heroes are still going to do it and I'm not making those so-called fake Heroes I mean the real heroes like the Justice League and the Young Justice especially us.. are willing to stop criminal scum like you!!
Mammoth: big talk, but no bite coming..
Beast Boy: think again besides world that's going to do is to stop you..
Hot Spot: I don't want to do this easy or perhaps the hard way...
Izuku and Cyborg were fighting against Gizmo.
Beast Boy and Vixen we're fighting against Mammoth.
Supergirl and Powergirl were fighting against Jinx.
And the rest were fighting against See-More and Billy Numerous:.
Many civilians and police officers supported the new Teen Titans against the Hive Five.
the Hive Five noticed that they were losing against the new Titans.
Gizmo: well now.. it seems that this will have to be the end of our reunion... But next time we will meet again Titans..
Gizmo whistle getting the attention of the other members of Hive Five got out a smoke grenade and tossed it for them to get away.
The new members of the Titans were distraught for letting them get away but sometime sooner or later that they will meet again.
Luckily the money was still there to give it back to the people of the bank.
The citizens cheered for the members of the Titans.
To Be Continued....
Izuku Yagi the Son of Brainiac
FanfictionA/N: Izuku Yagi wanted to become a hero but ever since he was diagnosed quirkless, his life has been crashing neglect, abuse, and the bullying... Izuku was ready to snap until he was able to unlock his power from a villian attack..