Shoto Todoroki.

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Everyone had gone to visit family for christmas, leaving the dorms empty.

You However had not a good relationship with your family so you stayed. You didnt mind though it wasnt for long anyways. You sat down and started to paint, whilst listening to music. It was peacfull without the rest. You loved them all to bits but they were chaotic, Either bakugou was exploding shit. Or some sort of competition was going on. From hand wrestling to dancing.
You usually didnt participate, You just sat there laughing.

You started mixing colours on your pallet. You decided to draw A busy street. The inspiration was from todoroki. You two often went there to eat soba, or get some bubbletea. It was one of your favourite places. 

You were mixing a greyish blue, when suddently you heard music start to blast from upstairs.
You froze. You were the only one here right?

You placed your brush down and covered your paint so it didnt dry out. You put on a black T-Shirt and shoes. Walking up the steps you realised it was coming from the third floor. You walked along trying to figure out where the music was from when you realised, It was Todoroki.

It didnt supprise you, You knew he didnt get along with all of his family. (Cough Cough Endeavour.)

You stood there for a few minuites listening, he had great music taste. You were vibing on the balcony when suddently HoneyPie by Jawny started playing. This was your favourite song. You jumped a little cause the volume increased suddently, making you chuckle. Even over the music though you Heard him singing along. You stood there in awe His voice was soothing, You never heard him sing before. He was great!

After the song finished you decided to go downstairs and make soba for the two of you, singing along as you went. You stopped suddently with a massive grin on your face when Still Into You by Paramore started playing. You sent a message to him

 -Hey! Didnt realise you were still here. Great playlist Btw! Im making soba if you want some. :)-

After pressing send you started to dance around the kitchen singing from the top of your voice. Your hair bouncing as you Danced, No one was here right now so you didnt have to worry.

"Hey." You jumped out of your skin not realising He had come down. Wow that was quick you thought.

He was wearing A black shirt and flannel pants, his hair was a little messy.

"Oh hey!" You laughed embarrassed. "You saw nothing ok." You handed over a bowl of soba to Todoroki.
"Saw what?" He smiled trying to act confused.
"Exactly!" You joined in acting confused as well.

You both sat down Talking about all sorts whilst the music continued to play in the background.

You were glad you were friends and you got to meet each other. You dont know what you would do without him.

Little did you know.

He thought the exact same thing about you.

Just two friends vibing.Where stories live. Discover now