Confusing Feelings

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It's been three days since Jihoon visited Sungmin's red light area. All that he's got on mind is the small guy who he knows as Tsuki. His thoughts are filling up his mind. Jihoon wonders what would have happened next.

"Sir you seem to be spacing out a lot since you visited that place. Did you find something out?"
"Mr Kim..... that bastard Sungmin, he's married?"
"Yes sir, actually it's been a year"
"What? You know that? Why wasn't I informed?"
"Sir we did inform you...but you weren't interested."
"Fuck! Do you know anything about his husband, like personal history or anything?"
"No sir, Sungmin has kept his real identity a secret. There's no way you can investigate about the guy. All of his husband's documents are with him and nobody has ever seen him outside, like at any party or something. He has basically locked him up."

Jihoon is losing his calm knowing that he cannot investigate about the guy. He wants to visit back, the only way he could get more information is the guy himself. Also he knows this is more like an excuse to meet the guy again.

Here is Jihoon again, at the entrace of place he visited three days back.

"Oh sir you're the one from three days back!"
The lady at the reception was too enthusiastic which pissed Jihoon off a little.
"Is Tsuki here today?"
"Oh! You already love Tsuki. But sir I'm sorry if I might have to upset you."
"Why? He isn't available?"
"Ah, no sir. I mean the price....I told you he's the best here"
"It wasn't enough last time, was it? I'll give $20,000 this time, how about it?"

Jihoon smirked at how the lady's mouth dropped at listening the price.

"Sure sir. I'll call him right now."
"No need, I'll go there myself."

Jihoon reached the same room, the same door and found the same guy, sitting in bed. The features of his face were being redefined in the moonlight seeping in through the little gap in the window. He really suits the name ' Tsuki ' or moon.

Jihoon is pushed back to reality when he feels the smaller guy approaching him. He locked the door and then his hands started unbuttoning Jihoon's collar.

"W... wait!"
Hyunsuk didn't react but just moved back.
"Aren't you gonna ask me why I'm here again?"
"What's there to ask Mr Jun, you were interrupted last time, so you came back."
"This is not what I'm here for."
"Then why are you coming here! I should tell my hu-"

Jihoon suddenly grabbed Hyunsuk's hands and pinned him at the door.
"It's my choice whatever I come here for. And you best believe that I don't want to hurt you."

But Jihoon you're hurting him right now.
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean that" and Jihoon released Hyunsuk from his hold.

Hyunsuk wonders why this guy with extreme fine looks and damn good built enough to intimidate most, keeps on apologizing?

"So Tsuki, Sungmin's your husband...................?
It's okay, you can trust me."

Trust you? Is it that easy to trust someone?

" saw it that day..."
"Hmm,,,,he kissed you outside the room, I heard it."

Hyunsuk looks at Jihoon with a nervous gaze.

"It's fine, I get it. But why does he make you work here?"

"Can you please stop asking these questions.."
Hyunsuk was on the verge of crying as he begged Jihoon to not ask him those things.

Jihoon felt guilty for a second, but he has to get information out. Also for that he has to win the guy's trust.

"Ok,,then tell me what do you like?"
"As in anything...there must be some interests or hobbies."

Hyunsuk is hesitating whether he should play along or not. He cannot upset him, he must have paid a lot of money to get here.

"I..I like legos.."
"Legos? what's that?"
"You don't know legos!"
Hyunsuk seemed to be worked up about that and Jihoon found him cute for losing his calm over 'legos'.
"I'm sorry s..sir"
"No you don't have to be...tell me what is that."
"It's like building blocks....they come in so many themes like marvel, disney....."

Hyunsuk kept on describing them but Jihoon couldn't focus. He was lost in admiring the cute expressions he was making. It was like a child explaining what toy he likes the most.

"Do you have legos at home?"
That's when the mood changed. Hyunsuk suddenly stopped his rambling and became silent again.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jihoon was nervous.

"No it's just that I suddenly remembered how my mom bought me my first lego...."
"Where's your mom-"

Now the air grew even tenser as Hyunsuk fell back on the bed, crouched and grabbed his head.

"What happened? Are you o..okay?"
Jihoon quickly hugged the small figure and patted his head.

" is g..gone...she left me and doyoung alone....she...the glass pane....blood... I hate it.... I hate her...I hate him..."

Hyunsuk was bawling his eyes out, Jihoon became concerned when he saw how agitated he got. Sounds like his mom died a cruel way. It hurts him somehow, watching the guy go hysterical.

He only wishes to hold him tight, console him and never let go.

"You're alright Tsuki, your mom loves you."

Hyunsuk felt a wave of calmness wash over his heart when Jihoon's warm breath fell on his forehead. To his own surprise he nuzzled his face in Jihoon's neck because it felt like a safe place.

"Can I Trust You?" [SUKHOON]♡Where stories live. Discover now