Chapter One: How it all started

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"I don't understand mom. U.A is a private high school. How can you and dad even afford the entrance fee, let alone my tuition? And why now all a sudden?" Abi questioned her parents as she sat at the table and played with a strand of her freshly dyed black and red hair. She really didn't understand. Why were her parents suddenly sending her to a private high school at the end of her first year?

"Your father got a promotion at work, and we decided it best you get a better education there. Please don't fight us on this doll? Your uniform is already hanging in your closet. And before you ask, I made sure that they gave you a size bigger." Abi's mom answered tiredly as she finished cooking the last of the eggs. Abi looked over at her dad, who was looking down, reading a text message from his boss. She stared the best she could into his icy blue eyes, which she inherited from him. People would consider Abi beautiful with her naturally blonde hair and blue eyes. But not Abi. It was already bad enough that she was an American living in Japan. She didn't want to look like the typical white American teenage girl as well. She was already bigger than the rest of the girls her age, with a "curvy" body and bigger breasts.

"Dad, please don't make me switch in the middle of a semester. It's already hard enough being the new kid in class and it would be even harder to switch during the middle of a semester." Abi begged her father with no luck. He just shook his head no and continued what he was doing. Setting a plate in front of her daughter and husband, Abi's mother sighed. She was really doing too much for someone in her condition.

"I know you don't want to leave your friends behind but I'm sure you'll make new ones at U.A. I hear nothing but good things about that school at work. Please just give it a try. If you really don't like it there, we'll switch you out." Abi looks from her parents to the plate in front of her. Sighing, she nodded her head yes and picked at the eggs on here plate. There was no way she'll be able to eat when her nerves were going crazy.

Five minutes later Abi stood staring at her reflection in the body-length mirror hanging on the closet door. The grey suit-like jacket and blue-green pleated skirt were far from her comfort zone. The only part she liked about the uniform was the long sleeves on the button up white shirt that hid her ying yang tattoo on the inner side of her left wrist. Nobody told her before they moved here that Japan frowned upon teenagers having tattoos before they turn twenty. It's way different than America. Grabbing her backpack, phone and earphones, Abi takes one last glance in the mirror before heading back downstairs. Her father had already left for work and her mother was sitting on the couch. She felt bad for her mom. She was working two jobs to help make ends meet until her father got his promotion at work. Hopefully now she could rest. All those hours she spent at work couldn't be good for her or Abi's baby brother or sister.

"I'm off to school now mom. Try to get some rest today. You and the baby both need it. I'll be home straight after school. If I'm running late for any reason, I'll call you or dad. Love you." Abi gives her mom a kiss on the forehead before heading out the door, locking it behind her.

At U.A: Homeroom

"Class, listen up! We have a new student. Abi, go ahead and introduce yourself." Mr. Aizawa says getting the class's attention before sitting back down and taking a sip from his mug. Abi glances at him before facing the class again. She gulps before speaking.

"Um, hi I'm Abi Johnson. I'm from America. My family and I moved here about eight months ago. I, uh, thank you." Abi stutters before taking the only seat available between a green-haired boy and was mumbling and writing in his notebook and a blonde boy who seemed to be upset about something. Abi couldn't help but to notice how the blonde boy seemed to smell sweet, almost like he had just eaten caramel.

"What are you staring at nerd?" The blonde growled at Abi.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was staring."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2022 ⏰

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