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❝ Great father ❞



Standing outside the garden,Y/N touch the flower petals and pluck the flower.

"What are you doing here?" A child's voice asked behind her making her flinch and turn around to greet the young girl

"Oh I'm just admiring the flower Miss Brihanna. How about you,what are you doing in here?" Y/N smiled slightly and crouch to meet the girl's height

"Oh I'm bored inside the mansion! That's why I'm at the garden to admire the flower like you!" Brihanna flashed a bright smile at the teenager who chuckled

"Oh that's nice,i always admire flower since I was young." Y/N smiled,she sat on the grass and pat the seat beside her making Brihanna look confusedly to her

"You can sit beside me." Y/N said, Brihanna was hesitant to sit on the grass. After all, it's her first time sitting on the grass,her parents never allows her to sit on the grass because they always said that it's too dirty to be sat at.

"I didn't know that grass can be comfy to be sat on." Brihanna giggled,she glance at Y/N who's smiling at her

"Big sis Y/N,can I lay my head on you lap?" Brihanna asked,Y/N was taken aback of what she called her making her clear her throat

"Of course,but your parents might get angry..." Y/N sighed and glance to the window of the mansion only seeing the executives drinking while laughing

"I don't care! I want to be free today!" Brihanna lay her head on the girl's lap and makes herself comfortable

"Do you have any pictures as a baby? I want to see it! Because I'm pretty sure you look very beautiful like right now!" Brihanna smiled

"Um... I'm sorry miss,i don't have any pictures as a baby." Y/N plastered a smile on her face

That's true.

She never got any pictures of her as a baby,the only picture that she have is her fathers.

It was keep inside her wallet,along with the necklace that he gifted her.

"What? Why don't you have one?" Brihanna pouted cutely making Y/N giggle at her cuteness

"Maybe next time? I still need to search for some pictures." Y/N pinch her right chubby cheeks, as Brihanna nod 


She don't know what picture she will show because she don't have one.

"I have a lot of baby pictures along with big sister Blair!" Brihanna said

𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ; H. RindouWhere stories live. Discover now