Způsob č. 1 - Ájina

141 17 13

Mluvte cizím jazykem.


Já- ,,Bro you cant even fucking kill this fucking anoying spider!"

Brácha - ,,Calm the fucking down! There's no spider! You dumbhead!"

Já - ,,You dork! You'll kill this freaking spider or I'll hit you with this baseball bat!"

Brácha - ,,I don't care you moron!"

Já - ,,Thats the metal one you asshole!!!"

Brácha - ,,And why wont you use on that spider then?"


Máma - ,,Co to tam melete?!"

Já - ,,Učíne se na test z Ájiny!"

Máma - ,,Aha! Tak to jo."

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