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Today was no ordinary day. Because today, me and my brother are going to the mall. He barely go shopping with me. So today is different for me, okay.

I rushed to the bathroom and start to do my morning rituals. I grab my hairbrush and run it through my brunette hair. I also put on light amount of foundation and also some mascara. After all that, I chose some blue jeans and a black top.

"Eli ! Are you awake? I swear if you're still asleep, I wont come with you!" Well that must be my brother, "I'm coming! Just a second!"

I put my phone, wallet which has my cards and a small mirror onto my purse. I glance at my mirror for the last time before exiting my room. I jog my way down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen. I saw Adam, my brother, eating pancakes with mom.

"Goodmorning, sweetie." Mom greeted me with a smile.

"Morning mom." I answered and returned the smile.

I sat next to my brother and ate my food. Mom cooks the best food in the house. Maybe even in the whole universe. Nah, that's too exaggerating. When we finished eating. Me and Adam told mom that we're going shopping. I make sure to stress the word we to annoy my brother.

After 20 mins of driving, my brother parked the car outside the mall. Well today must be my lucky day! Not many cars were parked which means there's not so many people today. Just a few cars were there and there's even a White Mustang!

"Come on, it's a bit chilly out here." I pulled my brother inside.

"So, what are you even gonna buy? You have a lot of clothes and dresses already." He asked whilst he put an arm around me. "I want to buy some shoes. And by shoes, i mean converse and stuff."

"Alright. Let's buy you some shoes."


"Go on, Adam. You can look around. It's not like I'm gonna be lost." I told him as I push his back on the other direction. "Fine. I'll go check out some shoes too. Meet me here in half an hour." He said before disappearing.

I walked further into the shop and chose some shoes. I picked up a white converse and black one. My old ones were too small for me already so I decide to buy new ones.

"Excuse me," I said while tapping the staff's shoulder, "Do you have new shoes? I mean, like new designs and collection?" The girl smiled at me and nod.

I followed her quietly while struggling to hold my purse and the shoes I was going to buy. She went on the left side of the store where there was new stocked shoes. I swear, my eyes were sparkling when I saw it.

"Here we have new collections. You can look around and try them. I've been Anna if you need anything." She smiled before walking back from where she came from. I looked back at the shoes. It's divided for men and women.

I saw a mint-green pairs and tried those on. It fits perfectly.

"Miss? I'm sorry to bother, but I-uh, can you help me choose between this two?" I turned to look at the source of the voice. Oh my god.

"I don't know which I should buy." He smiled cheekily.

"The white one." I answered, though it sounded more like a whisper.

"Okay, cool! Wait," he starred at me, " Are you a fan? Do you want a picture?" He asked with a smile. I shook my head furiously.

"So you're not a fan?" Again I shook my head.

"I mean, I see you guys on my tv and twitter. Hell, my best-friend even has all of your faces on her wall." I chuckled nervously. He nodded understandingly .

"Oh. Well I need to go now." He nodded before walking to the cashier. "Nice meeting you!" He yelled before exiting the shop.

Oh my good lord!

I just met Niall Horan.

hi hello

sorry this is kind of a boring chapter but yea! thanks for reading! this is my first book on this acc so if you like it pls vote and comment!

harry will be coming soon! i'll see your beautiful faces on the next chapter! bye :)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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