Chapter 1: Lost beginnings

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Since beginning of sophomore year I could never keep my eyes off of the dreamy, ever good looking, Luke Hayes, a junior in my chemistry class. I still find it hilarious how he had to take chemistry another yet because he failed with a D-. As words get passed around, people soon find out he has gotten a wider variety of D's, and no, it's not just grades. Anyways, I saw an opportunity to joke and went for it, totally backfired.

     But all jokes aside, his sister Corey is in my grade. I have recently gotten to know her really well and she talks about Luke almost everyday. She could mention anything about him, well almost. She doesn't share too much since it's her brother's private life, but I can't help but listen to all of it since I find his life so interesting.

Now I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with this boy or anything, it's just unusual to live like this with a reputation for being physical with so many people. I mean I would most definitely assume it to be a pretty rough life, I mean when I was with my ex, Jamie, he told everyone we had sex and everyone was talking about it, but it's not like Luke only had sex with one person, it was loads more. I could only imagine how stressed and annoyed he is over all of this. Last month he did come back to school after being gone for a whole semester. Everyone assumes it was to get away from all of the drama with his sex life, but he refuses to give official answers. I don't blame the guy. He shouldn't have to give a speech defending his actions, regardless of how bad they were.


Our classmate Seth always walks into class to start something with Luke, always picking at him for the reputation he has. Luke has to sit next to Seth everyday during class, so he's always got something to say. He storms in greeting his goons as usual, then he finally makes his way over to meet my Luke. This particular day started with something different however, he went to this group of girls behind their table.

"So ladies, y'all looking for someone to do? Ask Luke, I'm sure he wouldn't mind adding a few more to his to do list" Seth's laugh makes me so uneasy, a cackle of a crow, god this dickhead gets on my nerves. The rest of the class continues to be the same, Seth would continue to rip on him, and Luke, he would just take it like any other day. Silent through all his struggles, how can he stay this strong? I would've at least done something. Also Luke is physically very strong too, so why he never felt the need to beat up this jerk? It's beyond me.

As for most, one final straw causes Luke to lose it., but not entirely. Jamie walks into class late, nothing too strange and out of the ordinary, then that asshole decided to say, "Yo Seth, fuck Luke and we'll both have our own male sluts" He stares me down sexually, "ain't that right baby?" He blows me a kiss and rolls his eyes. his laughter irritates me just as much as Seth's does.

"Mr G!" Luke announces "can I move seats?"

Mr G looked shocked, he knew just what I did, that Luke could just shrug all this stuff off like it was nothing, and now suddenly he has an issue with it? He stutters while trying to speak, "Uh- sure, go ahead and sit by..." Mr G analyzed the room, "Uh- Ezra".

Jamie and Seth knew how "obsessed" I am with Luke so they saw the perfect opportunity to shout it out "Go for it Ezzy! Now's you're chance to get it!" I can't remember the last time Jamie referred to me by "Ezzy". But trust me, I'm not interested in doing anything to take advantage of Luke! I don't want to put him through anything else.


     Chemistry is our final class of the day, so as soon as the final bells rang, Mr G stayed in the class and waited, usually he leaves before anyone else in the room. "Ezra, Luke, I wanted to talk to you both" Luke and I looked at each other in confusion, but we did as we were told and headed to Mr G's desk.

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