his legacy lives on

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Disclaimer: I did not write this to be insensitive about Technoblade's passing, nor did I plan to get clout from this. I wrote this because ever since the news got out about Techno, I have felt different, sort of like an empty feeling. I thought that writing this would give me some sort of closure. This is my first official time dealing with grief, but it's getting easier. Rest in peace, Blood God. ON WITH THE STORY 

How do you go on when you know something in your life is not the same as it once was? Tommy thought as he stared at his reflection in the clear pond. The boy was accustomed to spending his time down there at the pond ever since- ever since...

Tommy felt a hand on his shoulder, his older brother Wilbur was there. Tommy stared up at him for a moment or two, almost like he didn't recognize the boy.

"Dinner's ready", Wilbur said, holding his hand out to help Tommy. The blonde boy sighed as he threw one last stone into the pond before standing up and following Wilbur back to their house.


Tommy watched as his dad and Wilbur started eating, while he sat and picked at his meal, an assortment of carrots, beetroots, and potatoes, along with some cooked rabbit, one of his favorites.

He couldn't understand how they can be eating with no emotion at all, they had to be feeling the same emotions Tommy was. Tommy took a tiny bit of potato. Techno loved potatoes, they were his favorite thing in the whole world. On occasion, the pigman-hybrid would secretly farm potatoes. Those were Tommy's favorite potatoes in the whole world.

"I can't believe you two", Tommy murmured, shoving another piece of potato into his mouth. "It's like you don't even care." Philza looked up from his plate, utterly confused. "This was his favorite meal!" Wilbur started to say something, but Tommy left the table too quickly, the eldest son cleared his throat.

"Shouldn't he be over it by now?", he asked his father, looking over with deep eyes filled with worry. "It's been a couple of weeks." Philza shrugged and wiped his mouth.

"He's grieving, son", he said. "Let him grieve, if worse comes to worst, we'll talk to him about it, okay?" Wilbur nodded slowly and continued eating.


Tommy sat back down at the pond. He wasn't hungry anyway, it felt insensitive after everything that happened. He must've been there for another 20 minutes before Wilbur sat down next to him.

"I kept your plate in case you wanted leftovers later", he said. Tommy nodded his thanks and continued to stare out at the pond. Wilbur sighed. "Listen, Techno was my brother too, and I understand how you're feeling-"

"Was", Tommy sneered. "He's a was now, huh? Never thought that could happen."

"Tommy, come on", Wilbur replied. "Can you listen to me for one second, mate?" Tommy nodded softly and waited for Wilbur to continue. "I'm not invalidating your feelings, but don't you think you should let Techno rest? Missing him will not bring him back." Tommy balled up his fists. "Maybe you could talk to someone who understands what you're going through? Someone other than me?" Tommy shrugged.

"Maybe", Tommy muttered. "What are you gonna do if I don't?" Wilbur shook his head, getting more annoyed by the second. Without answering the question, Wilbur got up and left Tommy alone.


It was a couple of days later when Tommy decides to take Wilbur's advice. The boy traveled all the way to Snowchester in hopes of talking to his old friend, Tubbo.

"So what brings you to Snowchester?", Tubbo asked, handing Tommy a mug of hot chocolate. "I haven't seen you since-"

"I know you haven't seen me since then", Tommy mumbled. "I sort of need your help." Tubbo put down his mug and looked over at Tommy, utterly surprised.

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