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"Erm, are you sure this is the right way?" Dawn asked, unnerved at the sight before them.

Nothing is in sight except the heavy, thick white fog that covered the entire place. It was so dense they couldn't even determine if there were any trees or boulders were in the way. It also didn't help that they arrived at night, with only the moonlight as their torch.

Even the moon's light wasn't trusted, as it every so often hide behind the clouds. Occasional branches of trees were peeking out at the top of the fog could be seen, but it wouldn't last more than a second before they were hidden again behind the veil of mist.

In layman's term, it looked like a haunted forest. A place where demons lurked, ready to pounce on unsuspecting souls. And yet, despite all that, they were here.

No wonder its name was Valley of the Lost. Because anyone could literally get lost in the smog-filled area. Where was all the fog even coming from?

"I don't think we should take another step further...." She started, taking a few steps back towards her companions. "We surely can lose our way in there." She felt something touch the hem of her clothes. Looking down, she saw nothing.

"Are you sure about this, Soobin hyung?" Taehyun was also wary. "This is an uncharted territory. We only heard of the rumors and stories about this place." He added quietly.

Even though it seemed as if Soobin wanted to follow along with Dawn's suggestion, they have no other choice. It's true that there had been nothing but rumors about this place. And if those rumors were true...

He knew it was a risk they needed to take.

All they knew about this valley was, it could make travelers hallucinate which results for them to be lost and to stray further away from their designated path. The more lost they are, the more their sanity breaks.

"We only have two days left. We still have to face the guardian of the Chasm and bring the Quill to the King." He tried to convince the others. "The sooner we go in, the better."

Taehyun sighed, knowing that it was pointless arguing against him. But he hoped his friends won't fall victim to such horrible hallucinations. Or end up becoming mindless puppets that might attack one of them.

"And we still didn't have a plan on how to get the cure without giving the Quill." Kai piped in.

"We'll worry about that later. For now, let's do our best to find the Door of Erised without being a lost soul." Yeonjun's solemn voice wafted over the group, putting them into a trance.Right... Yeonjun still has the poison in his veins. They wondered how he could pretend like the poison wasn't affecting him. He insisted that he don't feel ill.

"You guys ready?" Soobin called out, breaking their train of thoughts. Seeing their nods, albeit hesitant, they began walking forward through the fog.

With their leader on the lead, they marched right into the unknown with his words echoing almost hauntingly in their mind.

𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚, 𝘛𝘰𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘸 𝘣𝘺 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now