First meetings

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"I'm telling ya, mermaids are real!" Itto shouted to his crew, who were all sitting on their small, mediocre boat. To any other sailor, they would call his boat trash, as it was barely large enough to fit his 5-person crew; but, to Itto, it was his pride and joy. He viewed it like it was the largest, most beautiful ship to ever touch the waters of Inazuma.
"Yeah, sure boss," said one of the crew members, letting out a scoff to show that he truly didn't believe him. No one in Inazuma did. Mermaids were an old tale from the times of the Archon War; if they existed, they were believed to be wiped out during the chaos. All the reports of a sighting have been disproved for years. Yet, Itto is a strong believer of their existence, as he witnessed one himself as a child.
"I'm gonna find another one day, and then ya all believe me!" Itto exclaims, standing up from his seat. His crew members only chuckle and shake their heads at his statement, all believing that they know better than their naive boss. A small huff exits Itto's lips as he stomps off of the boat, deciding to go out on his own for tonight.
Their boat has been docked on Watatsumi Island for some time now, as this is where the most reported 'sightings' of mermaids occur. And, this is the one island where the locals don't look at Itto like he's crazy when he says he's on the search for a mermaid he met as a child. Though still doubtful of their current existence, the people of Watatsumi island have old urban legends about mermaids, and how they used to thrive here thousands of years ago. There's even a shrine here dedicated to Sangonomiya; a mermaid princess that used to rule over Watatsumi Island, humans and mermaids alike.
Ever since arriving to the island, Itto has asked to hear legends of Sangonomiya countless times. He even began keeping a notebook of his findings here, thinking he could somehow use this knowledge to find modernly existing mermaids. However, him and his crew have already been here for two weeks, and Itto hasn't found anything related to mermaids that's happened in the past 50 years. He was starting to become frustrated, having moments of doubt. But luckily for himself, he's as stubborn as an ox. No one was going to disprove this oni about something he witnessed with his own eyes as a child.

"I'm [___], what's your name?" asked the small creature in the shallow water. He seemed about the same age as Itto, maybe a little younger, with wet brown hair. He was peeking out of the water, weird fin-like appendages poking out of his hair where ears should be. And through the misconstruct of the water, Itto swore he saw a tail resembling a fish.
"I'm Itto!" exclaims a smaller version of himself, around 10 years old. He was sitting next to the water, legs soaked from the tide wading in and out on the damp sand below him. Eyes were wide and shining at the new friend he had discovered while looking for shells for his grandmother. "Why are you in the water? Aren't you cold?"
"No, I live in the water!" The young creature explained with a small smile, a flustered blush appearing on cheeks. "I've heard stories about you creatures with legs, but I've never seen you up close.." he mutters, as if suddenly getting shy in front of the young oni. "Because, I'm a mermaid."
Itto woke up from his dream, a dream of his memory, to find that he dozed off taking notes by the shore. He sat up on the large rock he was laid upon, looking out at the ocean. He couldn't see very far during the night, the moon and stars being his only source of light as he's away from the village. Yet, it was comforting, knowing there was so much unknown out there. That he could be right, and that the young mermaid he met as a child was truly real.
He stayed out on the shore, not wanting to go back to the ship just yet. Despite the loud, charismatic person Itto is, he enjoyed peaceful scenes like this from time to time. The mesmerizing sound of the tide crashing against the shore was therapeutic to any sailor, and can become hypnotic when lost in thought. It was so repetitive that Itto was almost lulled back to sleep.. that is, until he heard a splash emitting from nearby.
Itto perked up at the sound, looking towards the direction of the noise. It was much too loud to be a fish, and none like to come this close to land anyhow. Perks of being a sailor is knowing where most fish reside around the islands; and he knew that none liked coming this close to the rocky shore of Watatsumi Island. Slowly rising to his feet, Itto made his way over to the source of the noise, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat in his chest.
It was a mermaid, a beautiful one in fact, stuck between two rocks. His face looked panicked, looking up at Itto with wide eyes. Dark, wet brown hair sat upon his head, fin-like appendages peaking out where ears would be. And those bright, turquoise eyes that visit him in his dreams every now and then stared back at him.
"It's you!" Itto exclaims, not believing his eyes. "I.. it's me, Itto! Do you.. remember me?" His voice came out more tentative than he meant, not wanting to scare the already startled looking creature before him. The mermaid's eyes only widened more, trying to back away out of the rocks. However, the more he stared at Itto, the more he seemed to slow, until his movements eventually came to stop. "Itto..?" the mermaid asked hesitantly, only for Itto's cheeks to turn as red as the markings littered across his body. He couldn't believe he remembered him, and he felt embarrassed that he didn't remember the other's name.
"Y-yes, that's me! I'm Itto!" Itto clumsily exclaimed due to an excitement, making a few steps closer to the mermaid. He seemed no longer scared of Itto, the frantic struggling to get unstuck ceasing to exist. "I, uh.. I'm sorry but, I don't remember your name anymore.." Itto says, absolutely embarrassed. How could he forget the name of someone he hasn't stopped thinking about for over 10 years? However, the mermaid didn't seem offended by it, a small chuckle leaving his lips.
"I'm Gorou. It's.. nice to finally see you again." Gorou smiled softly up at Itto, only to suddenly wince due to incoming pain. He hisses, looking down at the rocks his waist and tail are wedged between. Itto felt even more embarrassed now, not believing it took him this long to help him. He was too distracted by how starstruck he was to see him again after all this time.
"Don't worry! Arataki 'Numero Uno' Itto is here to save you!" Itto exclaims, stepping down into the water. It raised up to his thighs, getting his shorts wet, but he couldn't care less. He would dive head first into the ocean if it meant he could help Gorou. Reaching out to help him, he suddenly hesitates, arms outstretched and hands floating above Gorou's waist.
"Can I touch you?" Itto asks, golden eyes meeting turquoise ones. It was phenomenal how bright they were, despite how dark it was out here in the ocean. Itto thought they were brighter than the sun itself.
The fear that overtook Gorou's features when Itto first approached reappeared momentarily, glancing at Itto's large hands near his waist. Despite their size and sharp nails, something within him told him he could trust the oni. Maybe it was the memories of him from ten years before, or it was the fact that he has secretly spied on him since. Whatever the case was, Gorou found himself nodding, letting Itto free him from the rocks he wedged himself between.
As Itto grabbed Gorou's waist, he realized just how small Gorou was compared to him. It felt as if his hands could wrap around his waist entirely as he carefully pulled him away from the rocks. He was slow with his movements, making sure no parts of his tail snagged at any sharp edges. During the slow maneuvering, Itto was finally able to see Gorou up close, taking in every little detail of him. He saw how his tail and scales connected to his human-like torso, and the small gills that were on either side of his waist. He couldn't entirely make out the color of his tail due to the darkness, but he believed it to be a dark brown of sorts, some other colored highlights blotched throughout the scales. He secretly hopes he can see it in the daylight one day, just to take in the full sight of him.
Eventually, Itto managed to free Gorou from his predicament; but is now standing in the water, with a mermaid pressed up against his chest. With an awkward cough and chuckle, Itto let go of him, going and sitting back up on one of the rocks. Again, his cheeks were bright red, but Gorou pretended not to see, as his were the same shade.
"So uh," Itto began, breaking the silence between them, "How did you get yourself stuck? I mean, why were you so close to the shore?" Looking down at Gorou, he noticed just how shallow the water was for him, his tail floating up near the surface as Gorou props up his arms on the rock beside Itto.
"It's a bit embarrassing.." Gorou admits, avoiding Itto's intense gaze at him. He's much different from what Gorou remembers; and much larger too. He has seen him from a distance multiple times, but he couldn't tell just how much he has changed until now. Being this close to him is rather intimidating. "I was coming to see you."
Itto couldn't believe what he just heard. Gorou came to the surface to see him? Itto has been the one searching for Gorou all these years, never once catching a glimpse of him. But yet, Gorou was watching over him the entire time. Well, that's what Itto hopes anyways.
"To see me?" he asks in disbelief, eyes wide with awe. "But, I've been searching for you for so long! How come I've never seen you?"
"Because I'm not allowed near the surface." Gorou responded rather quickly, a small scowl on his face as he continues to look away from Itto. "None of us are. It's forbidden, but, ever since I met you when we were kids I've had a fascination with humans," he admits, pink starting to settle upon his cheeks, "and when I can escape to the surface, I look for you. I haven't been this close to land since that day, though."
This was a lot for Itto to take in. His brows furrow as he thinks about all of this, trying to find the right words to say. He stutters for a few moments, until finally opening his mouth to speak—
"Oh no," Gorou suddenly speaks, looking behind Itto with wide eyes. Itto gives him a concerned look before turning around, seeing the sun begin to rise for the horizon.
"Ah, the sunrise, beautiful isn't it?" Itto asks with a half-smile, not realizing how panicked Gorou is.
"No!" Gorou exclaims, causing Itto's head to whip around to look at him with concern. "I mean— I need to get back, I'm sorry Itto," he says a bit flustered, clearly stressed over the situation.
"Hey, hey! It's okay," Itto reassures, leaning forward towards the mermaid. "I'll wait for you again. I always have, so no reason to stop now." He gives Gorou a large smile, which makes him smile back a bit shyly.
"R-right.." Gorou stutters, backing away from the rocks reluctantly. His eyes flickered between Itto's face and the sun peeking over Watatsumi Island. "Wait for me here.. I'll meet you again. I promise."
They didn't entirely understand why they were so drawn to each other after such brief meetings, but the pull was stronger than any magnet's attraction. They longed for each other's presence; just knowing the other was there and happy was enough for both of them. So, saying goodbye wasn't exactly an easy task. Giving each other longing looks before Gorou disappears into the sea.
No one believed Itto; but he was used to that at this point. Despite his crew telling him it was a 'fever dream' for staying out too late, he knew the truth. He saw Gorou again, after 10 years. He touched him. He was as real as ever. And now, Gorou was out there waiting for him, somewhere in the deep ocean. His stubbornness and perseverance were even stronger than ever. He no longer begged others to believe him or ask for stories of mermaid encounters, because now he had his own story. One that he thought about every night before heading to sleep.
While they were apart, Itto thought of many questions to ask him. Are there more mermaids? How many are there? Why is coming to the surface forbidden? Do you eat sushi? Well, maybe not the last question, but he did really want to know.
Itto ordered his crew to stay at Watatsumi Island for another week, sitting at the same part of the shore every night. However, the rocky exterior wasn't exactly the most comfortable to sleep on, and he eventually had to turn in most nights. But that didn't stop him from visiting at sundown every night, waiting to see Gorou once again.
After six days of waiting, Itto began to grow nervous. His crew was getting tired of staying stagnant for so long, and he wasn't sure when or if Gorou would ever come back. It took 10 years to see him again, who said it wouldn't take that long again? Despite wanting to stay as long as he could, he knew he couldn't ignore his crew's requests for too long.
That is, until, the seventh night. Itto was sat upon the same place, fiddling with some seagrass he found washed upon shore. There was a slight pout on his face, thinking he was going to have to leave Watatsumi Island without seeing Gorou again. He was lost in his thoughts, the pout ever growing.. and then, SPLASH! Itto nearly jumped out of his skin as he felt a large amount of water suddenly splash him, looking down with a rather loud yelp.
Looking at the source, he sees Gorou's head popping out of the water, laughing rather loudly. "I've been wanting to do that for so long!" he admits through laughs, which makes Itto pout for an entirely different reason. However, Gorou swears he saw a hidden smile mixed in there.
"You nearly scared me half to death!" Itto exclaims, which only makes Gorou laugh harder. The sound of his laughter was addictive; Itto secretly hoping he can make him laugh each time they meet.
Gorou's laughter quickly comes to a stop, resting his arms and head on the edge of the rock Itto was sat upon. "It was worth it," he teased, which made a small smirk form on Itto's lips.
"Yeah yeah, whatever.." he huffs, shifting to sit closer to Gorou. There was a small moment of silence as Itto searched for the right words to say, Gorou watching him intently as he patiently waited. Just by the look of Itto's face, he knew something was on his mind.
"My crew and I are leaving the island tomorrow," he eventually says, his voice much quieter than its usual booming volume. Gorou slowly picked up his head from resting on his arm as Itto spoke, sadness taking over his bright turquoise eyes. "I'm not sure how long we will be gone, but, I'm glad I can see you again before we leave."
Gorou looked deflated as he took in Itto's words, realizing how foolish he was for thinking this could become a regular occurrence. He looks down at the rock beneath them for a moment, soon emitting a small nod of his head. "I'm glad I could see you again, too, Itto." he says, genuinity in his voice as his eyes lift back up, eyes meeting Itto's. "I'll stay until sunrise if it means I can officially spend time with you after waiting for so long."
"Really?!" Itto blurted out excitedly, words escaping his mouth before he could even think. He was immediately met with embarrassment, face turning red as he tried to cover his tracks. "I, uh, I mean, yeah totally. It's the least we could do, right?" He desperately tries to play it off as cool as possible, doing a little smirk and head nod towards the mermaid.
Gorou can't hold back his laughter at Itto's exclamation and not-so-smooth recovery, despite trying his hardest. A hand raises from the water, covering his mouth as he quietly giggles to himself for a moment. Itto was even more funny than he imagined. "Right, totally," he replies, slightly mocking Itto's statement.
The two immediately hit it off from there, talking to each other like old friends. Old friends who barely know anything about each other. It was odd; feeling so comfortable around someone you barely know, having to state basic facts about yourself like it's a story you never told your best friend. It was new and exciting for both of them, and neither of them wanted this to end.
For the rest of the night, they talked and laughed until their throats were raw. For the tailend of the night, Itto was telling Gorou stories about his travels across Teyvat.. which weren't extremely far. The furthest he's ever been from Inazuma was Liyue; and it was completely by accident. Yet, Gorou couldn't seem to get enough of it. He was completely infatuated with every word leaving Itto's mouth; whether it was about his (illegal) beetle fights, or the sights he sees while sailing around the Inazuman islands. Gorou hung onto every word like they were absolutely precious to him.
A small yawn left Gorou's lips as the sun began to peek over the horizon, a ray of sunlight illuminating his droopy eyes. Itto noticed the light, turning around to see the sun waking up for the day. "Aw, already? I was just getting to the good part.." he mutters, as he was telling the story of how the Arataki 'Mountain Climbing Champion' Itto attempted to climb up to Narukami Shrine without using any of the stairs that lead up the mountain. (Spoiler Alert: he didn't make it. Instead, he found a beetle that ended up winning him around 5,000 mora.)
"Then it gives you all the more reason to visit me again, Itto," Gorou says with a soft smile. He props himself up on his palms, raising his torso out of the water to press a kiss onto Itto's cheek. His lips were rather cold, and he smelled like salt water.. but my Archons, Itto was head over heels. This time he definitely knew Gorou saw his blush as the sun was now exposing him; but to his surprise, Gorou had one equally as deep on his own cheeks.
"Meet me again here, no matter how long it takes." Gorou says, lowering himself back into the water. "I'll come visit every few days to see if you're back." His voice had determination deep within it, signaling that he would not back down despite Itto's warnings at the beginning of the night.
"But, Gorou, is that safe? Aren't you forbidden to—" Itto started, Gorou quickly cutting him off.
"Well, I'm here now aren't I!" he exclaims like a rebellious teenager. He seems to quickly realize the suddenness of his outburst, slightly curling in on himself as he calms down. "You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself."
Itto was hesitant to agree, but the stubborn pout on Gorou's face said it all. He made his decision, and he was not faltering. "Fine, fine.. I'll come back with even more stories to tell, and hopefully a new beetle battling champion!" Itto exclaims, hopping up to his feet. He tried his best to act excited and charismatic, not wanting to focus on the fact that he wouldn't be seeing Gorou again for who knows how long. Leaning down, he ruffles Gorou's hair, which was now mostly dry from being out of the water for so long during their visit. "Don't miss me too much, alright?"
Gorou was too flustered to respond from the ruffling of his hair, dipping his chin down into the water, so that only his nose and eyes peaked above the surface. However, Itto could see the glint in Gorou's eyes that showed he was smiling wide. And with a blink, Gorou was gone. As if he was never there in the first place.
ahhh i am actually so happy and excited with this piece. ittorou brainrot is real lol, there will most likely be 3-4 parts ehe!
if u read this far leave me a comment of your fav genshin ship for science. ok, bye! Hope u enjoyed!

memories in the sand || itto x gorou one shotWhere stories live. Discover now