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It was quiet, the crisp night air flooded every aspect of the mysterious-looking man's senses. He'd been running for so long he almost forgot what it was like to just bask in the night air. His thoughts shook and rattled in his mind like a tornado in a trailer park. He couldn't stop thinking about the events that happened that night. 

The quiet of the village was rapidly disappearing and being swallowed by the sound of screams 

"Anjisnu, how could you do such things?!" His mother's voice rang in his head, it stabbed him in the heart, that cracked and crying voice cut through him like a hot knife through butter. 

His own mother couldn't even look at him, she didn't even move her head to glance at him when he started running. He didn't mean to hurt anyone, but here he was, his father's blood on his hands. 

He wasn't supposed to snap, his anger just took over, his mother knew that she watched the whole ordeal. He didn't expect her to tell the village, he'd tried so hard to keep the truth of his autonomy hidden. 

His mom knew the village knew; he had no home everything he's ever known was ripped away from him. It was terrifying. 

He could honestly say that this was the most terrifying thing he's been through thus far. 

Villagers crowed him, "Witch!" "Vampire!" "Monster!" What made people think he wanted to be born like this? He wanted to give in and die. But he was very aware of the fact that that could never happen. He was unkillable, there was no way of killing him, he'd already tried. 

He dreaded looking back at the forest he'd run out of. It hurt and he needed a way out of this place. He could no longer call the United Kingdom his home.

He was getting on the next ship that promised him a way away from all of this pain. He needed a fresh start, there was only one way out of this mess, and that was becoming a different person. 

The next day Anjisnu found a boat of people that promised a fresh new start. They promised things like new land and freedom. But little did he know he was going to have to survive some of the worst torture he'd ever known.

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