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The first few days were the hardest, the first week soon passed, and soon every other week moulded together as if they were the same day, just prolonged. Yeseul was tired, everyone could tell.

Jaemin had been declared by the doctor's to be in a coma, a machine connected to his heart to accommodate the more normal pace. Kun tried to explain it to her yet she didn't hear him, she couldn't stand the thought of him never waking up again, and the stakes were high.

Jungwoo soon moved out to pursue his career in another country, Yeseul soon taking his room so Jeyi could watch her. She worked late, visited Jaemin whenever she could, worked again, barely slept, barely ate. It hurt Jeyi to see her friend like this. What hurt her even more were the sounds of her retching into the toilet bowl late at night. It was in her mind that she was ill, yet no one knew what was wrong until it all came down to one day.

"Yeseul? Yeseul are you okay?!" Arin asked as she saw the girl go onto her knees during dance practice, her body had been giving up on her the past few days. She felt tired, she wanted to rest, but whenever she did she thought negatively of Jaemin's situation.

"Someone call an ambulance! Hey, Yeseul stay with me okay?" Taeyong mumbled, trying to tap her cheeks to see if she would awake but it was no use, her eyes slowly closed as seconds passed.

She was rushed into an ambulance and Jeno had arrived on the scene just in time to climb in with her, holding her head tightly the whole ride to the hospital. He was worried, scared, he didn't want to lose another friend.

"Yeseul please be okay" he repeated to himself again and again as he waited patiently in the waiting room, feet travelling from Jaemin's hospital ward to her own hospital ward, trying to keep himself busy.

"She'll be okay, she's strong" Jeyi said as she joined Jeno in the waiting room, giving him a small hug to help him ease up

"Are you her husband?" The female doctor asked, removing her gloves as she walked towards Jeno.

"No but uh....her fiancé is in a coma at the moment" Jeno said, scratching the back of his head slowly and the doctor nodded slowly, feeling bad for Yeseul.

"You can go in and see her, she's alright" the doctor said and Jeno didn't waste a second to run in, Jeyi soon following him after.

"You gave us a scare there" Jeno said with a relieved voice as he saw Yeseul sitting upright, eyes red and puffy from being told the news

"I can't do it" she mumbled, bringing her hands up to her eyes

"Can't do what? Yeseul what's wro-"

"I'm pregnant" she said, cutting him off with a sob.

"I can't i-i...I can't do it without him" She cried and Jeyi rushed to hug her tightly

"You have us, you know we'll do everything to help you through it if you decide to go through with it" Jeyi said

"I know but...I want him...I need him" she cried

"How many weeks are you?" Jeno asked softly

"Nearly six...God how could i be so fucking stupid?! I thought i was just putting on weight and getting sick from the stress and i thought i missed my period from dieting i-" she gripped her hair in frustration as she shook her head slowly

"If i just found out sooner he would've known" she mumbled and Jeno sighed

"Please don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. He'll wake up soon and he'll find out-"

"What if he doesn't? What am I going to do if he doesn't?"

"You can't think like that okay? Stressing yourself out further isn't going to be good for you or the baby" Jeyi said, rubbing her back softly

"I'll be here with you through it all okay? You can count on me and Renjun and Haechan and Mark...you have us" Jeno said, taking her hand in his as he shot Jeyi a small look

"I want Jaemin" she said, hugging her knees slowly as Jeyi rubbed her back

"Are you going to keep the baby?" Jeyi asked with a whisper and Yeseul's sniffed

"They told me at six weeks the baby's heart starts beating..." she said, already beginning to become attached to the life that was forming inside of her. She was scared to go through it all without Jaemin, but she wanted this more than anything. And no matter what was going to happen, she would always have a little Jaem inside her until he wakes up, if he wakes up.

"Im going to keep it" she said, feeling more confident and Jeno smiled, pulling her into a small hug, treating her like she was a fragile piece of glass.

That night, Jeyi and Jeno soon fell asleep in Jeyi's apartment along with Yeseul, however she couldn't help but keep herself awake. She knew it was too late in the night to even be going out alone but she just had to, she needed to.

She took a pen and a small sticky note, sticking it onto both their heads as it relayed a message of her leaving to Jaemin's apartment to grab some of her things, when she really planned to fall asleep in a bed that smelled like his. The cab ride there was quick enough as she left in the dead of night, keying herself in with the spare card Jaemin had given her.

Her eyes only clenched shut as she looked around the bedroom, neatly made and fresh. She was disappointed. The sheets didn't smell like him, the pillows didn't give her the comfort she craved for, just like the passing days, everything was new to her and the world was slowly erasing him. But she held onto his old tshirts like she held onto her memories, forcing him to remain in her life.

Her tears fell down her cheeks as the scent from his shirts lulled her to sleep, she whispered sweet promises of waiting for him, secret insecurities feeling as if he may not want her anymore, she let it all out. She had entered a scary territory in her life, without him by her side and she wasn't prepared for it.

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