College is Stressful

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College. It was something that you were told was important if you want to go anywhere in life, and so you decided to pursue higher education. You were starting to regret that choice, however, as you lifted your heavy-ass backpack out of your car.

"Go to college they said. Get a higher education they said! Well, no one thought to mention how fucking stressful it was going to be, did they!?" You ranted as you threw open the door to your house. Well, it wasn't technically your house, you were just staying there while you went to college, since it was one of the cheapest options.

"heh, long day?"

You dropped your backpack, kicked off your shoes, and jumped into the waiting arms of your boyfriend. Well, you didn't literally jump, since you were pretty sure that would just send you both to the ground.

"Sans, arson is illegal, yes?" You asked, like you didn't already know the answer. To be fair, you were starting to really consider just burning down the college. You did read somewhere that if the college was destroyed, everyone would pass.

Sans snorted and guided the both of you to the couch. He sat down, then made you lay with your head in his lap, so he could run his phalanges through your hair. "yeah, last time i checked it was. wanna talk about it?"

"College is stupid. And homework and tests are stupid." You would also complain about your professors, but they were actually pretty nice and generous with late work.

"makes sanse. just make sure that you're not working yourself down to the bone." Sans replied, turning on some stupid show that you weren't really paying attention to.

You snorted and rolled your eyes. "Those were terrible. I know you can do better than that."

Sans poked your cheek in response. "hey, punning is an art, there is no right or wrong."

"Sure, sure." You sighed and looked up at him. "I should probably do my homework."

Sans raised a bone brow, which to you just looked ridiculous. "i don't see you getting up."

"I'm working up the motivation." You really didn't want to get up.

"when is it due?" Oh, it looks like Sans was going to enable your procrastination today.

"Not tomorrow." Yeah, you weren't getting any homework done today.

"well, sounds like you can put it off till tomorrow then." Sans' smile got a bit bigger, if at all possible. You were still a little confused when it came to monster anatomy, and skeletons especially. "just don't tell paps."

You grinned back at him. "And sign my death certificate? No thanks! Hey, can we get some Grillby's? I'm in the mood for greasy junk food, as your brother calls it."

"you were reading my mind."

And so, you and Sans got some good food, watched some trashy food, and went to bed, not knowing that you actually had a paper due the next day. But that was for future you to deal with.

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