Gloom And Doom

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"W...why why do you all show up when I'm at the worst state of emotions...Why are you good at first but change l... later."

Jihoon's heart is breaking at the sight of Hyunsuk drowning in the flood of tears.

"Please Sukkie...tell me... I'll protect you.."

Hyunsuk shrugged Jihoon's hand away with a humourless laugh.

"Protect me? He said the same thing......same words Mr Jun.....that he'd make everything better.....He broke his promise...he forgot that I am a human...."

"That Sungmin....why did you marry him?"

Hyunsuk somehow worded things together to tell Jihoon how he came to this point.

"You've been through a lot Sukkie..."

"It doesn't hurt anymore Jun ssi....I do not even feel anything towards him..he once showed care and love for me..but now there is nothing left...I can only be his puppet, actually it's okay as long as Doyoung is okay..."

Jihoon doesn't understand where Hyunsuk gets this endurance level like that of earth.
Jihoon couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't just sit and see the guy suffering.

"Ask him about Doyoungie today...and tell him that you want to meet him.."

That Doyoungie sounded too homely....

"W..what would that do....he never even talks to me at home."

"What? Then what does he do..?"

"H..he mostly comes back with random men or women...and sometimes he..."

"Sukkie... you'll know if he cherishes you or not.."


Like any other day Sungmin came home drunk but without any pals this time. After letting him take his time on couch, Hyunsuk nervously threw the question.

"S...Sungmin ssi, I ...I w..wanted to you-"

Like something snapped in Sungmin's drunk brain as he stood up and grabbed Hyunsuk by shoulder.

"What did you say?"

He cocked an eyebrow enough to scare an already nervous hyunsuk.

"I..I thought if you could take me to meet him,,,'s b..been a year..."

"Fuck! Didn't I tell you not to think about him. I already took care of him, what else do you want."

"I...if he c.. could come and live with us.."

Sungmin cracked an evil smile, one like Hyunsuk never saw before.

"Here? So he could disrupt our little private life..."

Running a finger by Hyunsuk's lips he added,
"And listen to his brother getting railed every other night?"

Purely obscene his words are!

But Hyunsuk couldn't disagree, it probably wasn't the best idea to bring Doyoung to this place but he just wants to see his brother. At least back in his shabby house he could still be with Doyoung everyday.

"B....but he must know that we're m..married then-"

Sungmin suddenly squeezed Hyunsuk's mouth with one hand while the other made its way to pull on Hyunsuk's beautiful black hair.

"These lips only look pretty when they work on the right thing. And these locks look better when pulled on....I tried to be so patient with you Hyunsuk-ah...but you had to be a bitch..."

He dragged Hyunsuk to their shared room and threw him on the bed.

"How could I forget you were a toy I picked from the trash...and it never stops reeking of the smell..unless you wash it clean..unless you teach it a lesson... it's only been a year since you left that place and you already miss the beatings hmm...."

A little 'No' was all Hyunsuk could murmur before his physical and mental being were met with a disaster.


Jihoon casually walked through the corridors of a shady place he's been at too many times now, which is his rival's illegal den. As Jihoon walked towards a familiar room in his usual disguise, he is stopped by a man who is none other than his rival himself.

"You are the who comes around everyday to fuck my wife?"

Fucking gross! Absolutely contemptible, this guy hasn't got ounce of conscience on him..

"Well who wouldn't want to, he's just so good but anyways I heard you pay a huge amount everytime."

Jihoon didn't want to bust his game yet so he just did a slight nod in his cap.

"Well then go enjoy my toy, it's a pity that only I get to play it without paying a price.."
A smirk landed on Sungmin's face as he left.

Had he stood there for seconds more, Jihoon would have punched the guy to death and ripped his tongue apart for spitting such vulgarity.

As Jihoon entered the similar room, he saw Sukkie faking a smile upon his arrival.

He never even spared a glance so why fake a smile now? Jihoon could sense desperation in Hyunsuk's moves to pretend that he was okay when he certainly wasn't.

It only took a few glances under the dim moonlight for Jihoon to spot on Hyunsuk's neck, what looked like hickeys or more like bruises.

"Those...on your neck-"

Hyunsuk was quick to pull out a hand to cover his neck...
"I... it's nothing..."

Hyunsuk's eyes shifted back and forth and Jihoon knew he was lying.

"He hit you?" Jihoon's voice echoed of the rage he was feeling.

Hyunsuk tried to hold back but in a blink of an eye, his tears started escaping the folds of his eyes. Each tear that fell looked like a pearl falling off a broken chain. With every tear hitting the floor sounded like a stab, a stab to Jihoon's heart.

"That goddamn fucker..."
Jihoon with his bloodshot eyes, sounded like he could kill some dude right now, but he knew that the priority was the little guy shivering in fear in front of him.

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