Bad Move

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I should have known that this wouldn’t end well. I had this aching feeling in my gut. Something nagging at me deep within, telling me that this is a bad move. I should have listened… I let my thoughts wander into a dark place leaning up against a white-washed-colored wall with my cuffed-covered arms folded across my chest. My black platform boots nailed to the hardwood floors of this loud house, refusing to move from their place. I had a cup in my hand filled with whatever concoction was in the punch they were serving in the kitchen…

 It's a Friday night there are hella parties in the neighborhood and kids ready to get fucked up, I guess you can count me in as one of them. I’m usually not the one to come to parties such as the one I am at currently. But there is free liquor and drugs so who am I to complain? Well, there is a lot I could complain about knowing that I have to drive heavy home after this and I’m already feeling buzzed… Speaking of the devil,  I scout out that little brat trying to see him from where I stand. Observing is something I often do rather than mingle like heavy is probably doing at this very moment, wherever he is. Knowing him, he’s probably off trying to get laid or something god, that kid is too stupid and friendly for his good he's bound to get himself hurt then I’ll be the one to blame like always…

 I let my eyes wander the room I stand in before I catch a glimpse of Heavy talking with some girl at the bottom of the staircase near the entrance. He begged me to bring him along and he’s here thirsty for some dumb girl… Raising the red cup to my lips I take a long swig letting the Henny..? Whatever It was in my cup flooded through my veins while I keep my glances at my brother to a minimum, babysitting my brother from afar. The girl he was flirting with had long curly blond hair that fell past her shoulders, freckles that scattered her face along with her arms, and light baby blue eyes. Honestly, she looked like me…Really? couldn’t he have picked someone else? Maybe someone who didn’t look like me, Jesus… 

Her clothes were slutty as could be considering her ripped black crop top and tight short skirt and 7inch heels. On the other hand, Heavy wore his regular slipknot shirt with a white long sleeve under the band tee, ear gauges, and loosely ripped blue jeans... God, how lame am I? Taking the time to still watch over my baby brother when I should be trying to have a good time myself… I abruptly shake my head taking bigger gulps from my cup feeling tipsy while digging my black fingernails into the red plastic cup. Looking back at Heavy, they are now walking up the stairs, probably going to the bedroom. 

Her slender hand was pulling him up the stairs by his sleeve with a smirking smile, for some reason the way she touched him made me feel enraged… Heavy scratched the back of his neck with a blush, Guess his wish is being granted tonight but I still have a bad feeling about all of this…eventually, I Shrug it off, as I lift the red cup to my lips once again, but to my surprise, it was now empty. I shift my cup in my right hand bringing my left one inside my jacket to pull out a black flask with a skull on it, pouring some of the contents into my cup before quickly putting it back. I take a sip.

 A few moments later I see something in my peripheral vision. It’s the same girl who took heavy upstairs, coming back down but this time with no heavy to be seen. Instead, she is speaking with a girl with bangs smoking a cigarette by the bottom of the stairs... I furrow my pierced eyebrows in confusion as I silently moved near the two girls just listening in on what they were saying. “Soo, what happened?” the one with bangs spoke as the other laughed before speaking. 

“Oh, he bought it all, I just told him to cover his eyes and wait for me to kiss him- I bet he’s still there waiting, PFT- god, he’s so stupid it is almost cute.” I chug down the remaining liquid in my cup before throwing the cup to the floor in anger. “Pfft- HAHAHA” The one with bangs laughed. That bitch… I growled to myself in anger as I moved past the stupid cunts who were talking shit about my baby brother. I had the urge to punch her but knowing she is a girl…How could she do such a thing… I proceed on up the stairs, looking around to see where that stupid bitch put him until I see a closed door. Guessing he was inside I approached the door with cation hoping there was no one screwing in the room before slowly opening it trying to think of what I’d even say to him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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