Hush Little Baby

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     "This is the place?" The brunette mumbled to his foster father, looking at the small cottage that rest in a clearing of trees. A broken, old fence surrounded a small garden of fruits and vegetables besides the small home. A pathway made of cobblestone led up to the broken door, weather damage caused the trail to look cracked and broken. Besides the busted front door were poppy flowers, sunflowers, and roses.

     With the way the door leaned inwards, you could see part of the torn up kitchen from where the two were standing.

     "Yes. This is where you were raised." Phill spoke, watching Wilbur's expression. He was expecting a response, any response from the 23 year old male. A tear of sadness for the burnt home. A glare of anger for the story behind the place. A turn of the head to try and rid of the negative atmosphere.

     But all he got was a silent stare. His face was unreadable as he kept his eyes glued on the door. A faint whisper made Wilbur inch towards the house, a slow pace to his walk as he took in his childhood house.

     Upon entering, Wilbur flinched at the creeking of the dusty floorboards, taking a look around as he saw the inside of the wooden cottage. It was small, but Wilbur's never been one for big home's anyway. He saw the tipped over furniture in the living room, the broken glass frames in front of the fireplace, the cracked cabinet doors in the kitchen.

     Wilbur took in a shaky breath, letting his one revealed eye scan the place as he moved further in. He couldn't help but let a few tears escape his eyes as a faint voice came to his mind, telling him to wash up for dinner.

     Turning to the left of the front door, Wilbur noticed three more doors spread out from each other. One was kicked open, revealing a small bedroom with a full sized bed, the covers thrown to the ground with blood splattered on the white mattress, a wooden dresser tipped over with a wax candle melted in a puddle besides it, a picture frame crushed a few feet in front of the closet doors. The dresser drawers were open wide, revealing commoner type clothing, which held a slight upper class look to them. The window above the bed was open, the curtains flowing in the slight breeze from outside as the sun shone in, lighting up the room as best as it could.

     The second door remained shut, untouched by what had invaded the house. The door itself held three old yellow papers to them, stick figures of two people were drawn on them. One of the figures was green, a mop of blonde on it's head with two emerald orbs for eyes. The other was brown, curls of milk chocolate on it's head as dark brown orbs with specks of crimson red were drawn as its eyes. The green one was taller, making it seem like it was the parent.

     The third door was left open, but it seemed like it was always like that, since it didn't have any damage to it.

     Wilbur made his way to the third door, looking inside to see a bathroom. The tub was lightly grey from weathering, three bottles, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, were standing on the thick rim of the tub. The counter was cracked from fire, a solid yellow puddle of candle wax made itself known on the wood, emitting a smell of pine and rain. The mirror that hung above the counter was shattered, pieces of glass on the splinter floor boards.

     The room wasn't what made Wilbur produce more tears. It was the memory he had made at the age of 5.

     Wilbur let out a cheerful cry, his hands hitting the water he was in. Droplets of liquid flew, hitting the inside of the tub. Some hit the wall that connected to the tub, some flew out and landed on the floor. He didn't seem to care though, he was having the time of his life.

     A chuckle from his side caused Wilbur to look over, seeing his mother sitting on the side of the tub, shorts on so he could have his feet in the water. His dirty blonde hair was up in a bun, keeping it from getting wet from the energetic child. His upper half of his body was exposed, so if he were to get soaked all he needed to change were his shorts and underwear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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