"thank you, for everything."

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❝ It was a bad idea to think you were the one yk? Eddie, we couldn't have kept this going you know why. We couldn't admit our feelings no matter the situation. 

It was such a bad idea meeting you so late. It was dark, and I was walking to your trailer by myself just because we wanted to smoke a blunt. I hate myself. I think if I hadn't gotten you involved with everything you'd be by my side.

It was a bad idea to think we could stop, we loved each other there was no denying it. As much as we tried to say nothing would ever happen between us so much happened. I regret nothing.

I wish we had said our feelings sooner because I'm sure you've moved on. You're with your new love. I know it, and here I am wishing that I was them. I hate myself for not realizing how much I loved you Eddie "the freak" Munson. I wish I had said how I felt before my move.

I sometimes wish that something would happen to them if you have a partner. In my dreams I'd be the first person you'd go to, I'd be your number 1.

It's a fucking shame. All I wanted was you, Eddie. All I've ever wanted was you. I have started to realize that I'm moving across the fucking world and yet you still remember my favorite song because that's the first personal thing I ever told you.

I remember when I told you, I had been having a shit day and you were my release from everything and everyone just us. We had started smoking cigarettes and you had innocently said "what's your favorite song y/n?" I looked at you confused, but willing to respond. 

"Oh mr.munson you're gonna find it cheesy or it won't suit your taste." I said, half mumbling my sentence, I didn't want you to make fun of my rambling, even though you never had. 

"Oh cmon, it's just a song y/n plus you never know maybe I'll like the song!!" You said with that same smile. "Ok ok! My favorite song is [your favorite song] and it's by [the artist]" I looked at your blank expression an I felt my heart stop.

"Cmon y/n did you really think I'd judge you? I mean ME??? Have you not heard what Jason calls me??" You laughed. I miss your laugh. It always changed the mood. I already got off the bus, it's only a bit before I get on the flight. 

When I had finally gotten to see your club I was shocked, I'll admit. I never would've expected how many people looked up to you and loved your story telling. 

When I told you that I had been called so many dehumanizing names when I was younger your eyes filled with water. You asked me how it had affected me and I was honest. I was open to telling you about how it had given me an eating disorder at a time. 

I remember when you had introduced me to all of your silly club members, you looked proud of yourself. Proud of me. I wonder if anyone won that last campaign, or if you canceled it. I know it was important to you and everyone but it was too late for me to go, since I had left a couple hours before. 

I'm running out of paper to write on, holy fuck this is long… sorry? I know you always said I had a thing for writing but never thought you were serious. Anyways, I've ranted enough in this letter. But, my point was to say goodbye. 

Never stop being the person you are, and maybe in another life I won't have to move away. Thank you for everything, my first love. ❞

Eddie's hand held the paper tighter. That's the last letter he had ever gotten from you after your move to utah. The news had gotten out that the "earthquake" had quote on quote killed you but, everyone else knew differently. 

They saw your body on the news, they saw how you died and everyone knew it wasn't the earthquake that it was vecna, he blames himself. 

Finally, when everyone had finished making the plan to kill vecna, Eddie as well had finished making his. He told Dustin to hold onto your matching bracelets. 

Eddie died, and you got reunited. Dustin was left to mourn both deaths. Both of his best friends had died, and nothing seemed like it was going well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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