Vader Schmader

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Commander Ixo stood atop the mid-ocean tower and scoured the distant landscape with a set of binoculars. Beside him stood a casual young Imperial soldier dressed in standard blue-grey uniform, hat, with curly hair pushing from beneath. He was Imperial Soldier Danny Maxo.

"You have five standard minutes before the next shift arrives. Have all of the perimeters been secured?" Ixo asked.

"Yes Commander," Danny answered formally.

Both men stood, arms clasped behind their backs, legs apart.

"Your vacation begins tonight. I hear you've been squiring a certain beautiful young lady," Ixo inquired.

"Yes, she is most wonderful, Commander. With enough time, I might even propose."

"Well, congratulations in any case, soldier. Might I inquire about the identity of your lady friend?"

"She was a Naboo politician. However, she's been in Rea for several standard months now. If I should be granted a permanent rank at this station a proposal would be more than possible, but inevitable I suppose."

"Would this young lady happen to be [Full Name]?" Ixo queried.

"Yes, she would. How did you know?" Danny asked, his face unmasking surprise.

"Then I must warn you." The muscles in Ixo's jaw locked. "[Full Name] is Lord Vader's lady."

Danny laughed. "I find that very difficult to believe. Lord Vader?"

"Why is that so hard to believe?" Ixo asked.

"He's more cyborg than human, isn't he?"

"Though his extremities are made of prosthetics, Vader is most certainly human."

Danny thought about the bandages she wore about her neck and considered the possibilities. Vader had a penchant for strangulation...

"He's left his territory unmarked for several months now, I'd say he's done. If not, then she is most certainly done with him."

Ixo shook his head. "Lord Vader isn't done with her yet. He's simply biding his time."

Danny was young, handsome, rugged, and tall. He wasn't an ambitious guy. He was simply happy to have a job.

"Permission to be frank, sir?"

"Of course," Ixo answered.

"I could give a damn about Lord Vader's attempt to squire my girl. She'll never have him. He's a beast."

"Then I should count on not seeing you alive again. Lord Vader is here in Rea."

"No worries. Lord Vader is hardly any competition for me. Besides, he will never know."

"Well, I shan't bother to tell him. He's asked that I keep Lady [Last Name]'s business to myself. And I plan to honor that agreement. In any case, good luck young man."

Two Imperial Soldiers marched into the room and saluted Commander Ixo, then Danny.

The two parted, with a polite bow of their heads as they descended the staircase. Ixo to a night of rest, Danny to what Ixo believed was certain death.

The following morning, Danny rolled the legs of his pants up to his knees, removed his shoes, and walked across the beach toward [Name]'s villa. From a distance he could see her on the terrace working feverishly over another art piece. The dress she wore was white, but it was smudged with clay as she worked on what appeared to be a clay vase, slightly misshapen under her hands.

She waved to him from afar, a beautiful smile plastered across her face. When he reached the Peach Pavillion, he climbed up the balcony, leaning over it to flash a handsome grin.

"You are most beautiful this morning," he said, passing her a bouquet of posies.

"For me?" [Name] smiled.

"No, for the service droid," he answered sarcastically.

[Name] wiped clay from her hands and grabbed the flowers, pressing them to her nose as she inhaled the scent.

"What brings you my way?" [Name] asked.

"I've been given a vacation of sorts, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it."

Danny climbed over the balcony and seated himself opposite of her in one of [Name]'s patio chairs.

"I'm flattered," she answered. "But I'm not so sure that it's a good idea."

Vader, he quickly deduced. "Why?"

[Name] shook her head and took the posies into another room. Danny followed.

"How's your neck?"

[Name] turned on her heels, looked at him. It was the only time he'd ever asked her about the wounds. "Fine, she answered."

"They're taking a bit long to heal though, aren't they?"

[Name] sighed. "There's a hole in my trachea. It'll take a lot of time to heal. I sleep with an oxygen filter pressed into my nose, should I cease to breathe in my sleep. I hope that doesn't bother you - not that you'd ever catch me sleeping."

"No, not at all," he answered. "What happened to you?"

" unhappy misunderstanding, that's all."

[Name] left Danny to his thoughts as she found one of the vases she made, filled it with water, and put the flowers in them.

When she returned, Danny extended an arm. "Are you in too delicate a situation for a walk along the beach?"

Maybe emotionally, but not physically, she thought. "Not at all. I'd love to join you."

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