''14th birthday''

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So basically, at the end of series the paper girls get to keep certain good memories during their time travel fiasco. So Kj and Mac remember kissing and their feelings for eachother.


Kj pov:

Today is my girlfriend of two years birthday, Mac. We haven't told anyone besides our friends Tiff and Erin about our relationship, mainly because it's not seen very well right now. I got her a gift i hope she loves because it honestly means a lot to me. I would be fucking miserable if she doesn't like it. I look over to my dressing table and look at the group picture of our paper girl friend group. My eyes end up wondering over to Mac's face seeing her pouting and blowing out smoke from her cigarettes'. I'm really not a fan of her habit for smoking, I don't want to have to watch her die from cancer or something. If i can i really want to have a nice long life with her. She means everything to me. I couldn't imagine life without her, she's such a big part of it. 

I snap out of my thoughts and remember i need to get ready. Mac doesn't really have a lot of friends so me, her and the other girls are just gonna spend the day together and then hang out in Mac's basement and have a sleepover. Mac's dad and step mom are gonna on a trip so we don't have to worry about noise or getting in trouble. I tie my hair up in my signature ponytail and mess with my bangs until I'm satisfied and go to my wardrobe and put on my pre selected outfit: A red Gap shirt, blue jeans with black tights layered underneath, a red and white bomber jacket and a blue beanie. And of course my red and black boots. Their my favorite pair of shoes. I double checked myself in my mirror deeming my appearance to be alright. I grab my hockey stick and bag, containing my cell phone, wallet, plasters and womanly products. I mean better to be safe then sorry. I grab a wrapped up box with a bow on top and stuff it in my bag, swallowing my worries for the time being. "MOM IM LEAVING, SEE YOU TOMMOROW!!!". I shut my front door and walk over to my bike, well more like sprint. I'm really excited to see Mac it's been 4 days since i've seen her. Too long for me. I hop on my bike and start peddling over to the local park, a huge grin plastered on my face.

10 minutes later...

I arrive at the park and lock my bike up. I then go to sit on the swing, impatiently waiting for the arrival of my amazing girlfriend. Just as I'm about to check to time on my cell i hear footsteps approaching me and look up. "MAC!!!" I half shout. I'm partially in shock as i didn't expect her to be there and half in excitement. "Hey nerd" Mac responds while pulling me into a hug. I wrap my arms around her, not wanting to let go. "Happy 14th birthday Mac" i whisper into her ear, hearing a slight chuckle coming from the freckled girl. "Thanks, I really missed you" I can beraly hear her as her face is shoved into my shoulder. "me too" I smile to myself and hesitantly pull away from the hug. "Awww i was enjoying that!" Mac smirks at me. "well.." I look around the area to check to make sure no-ones their and then i put my hands on her cheeks and pull the ginger into a kiss. She puts her hands on my arms and leans upwards into the kiss. After a little while we pull away "only because i wanted to do that" I chuckled. "acceptable." She still has her hands on my arms, she pulls me into another hug. "I really missed you" she whines. "I know, I'm amazing" I confidently state. She pulls away again "sure" she says sarcastically while smiling, the blush still visible on her face. She pulls out a cigarette box out of her pocket and puts one in her mouth. I frown while she lights it. "You should really quit you know" I looked her in the eyes with scrunched eyebrows. "...how about...no" she looks up at me. I only frown more. She gives an apologetic glance and looks down, shuffling her feet. I glance at her outfit she's wearing a blue jacket with a black sweater underneath and a skirt that hangs a bit above her knees with black tights underneath- wait a skirt?! I look at her with a surprised face. "what, i got something on my face?" She looked back at me with confusion clearing painted on her face. "skirt.." I say still shocked. "Does it look bad??? i wanted to change something up since its m-" I interrupt her "NO!!, you look drop dead beautiful!" I quickly state. Mac just smiles at me.  


"OH. MY. GOD. THANKYOUSOMUCH" Mac shouts at Erin she had just gotten a cell phone gifted to her from Erin. She is really excited, a smile etched on her face. It's her first phone. "Of course!! I know you just bought that new bike so i thought you wouldn't have enough money to buy one so i did!!" Erin says making Mac smile wider and give Erin a big hug. "thanks new girl" she pulls away from the hug. "ME NEXT" Tiffany shouts and shoves a big box rapped in blue rapping paper into my girlfriends hands as i stare from beside her with a small but genuine smile. Mac quickly rips off the wrapping paper with no mercy and stares at the box, mouth agape. She looks at Tiff and then at Erin and then at me. It was a whole box of tapes featuring most of Mac's favorite songs. She hugs Tiff "Thanks doofus!" She says with a very goofy smile. After zoning out my mind starts to wonder off. What if she doesn't like it. Or what if she breaks up with me... after what felt like a lifetime i snap back to reality because of Mac shaking my shoulders. "Hey, you good? You kinda zoned out for a few minutes" Tiff chimed in. "Oh! Yeah! Im completely fine" I say with an awkward smile. "Right..." Mac says with an inquisitive look. "Mac, can i give you your gift in private?" I say averting my eyes down to my hands. "I think i get it...Tiff! lefts give them some privacy" Erin smirks, grabs Tiff's wrist and drags her up the stairs. I really hope this goes well....

"So, why in private" Mac looks up at me while blushing. I look her in the eye "Well...this is really important...and i just think this should be between you and me". Mac straightens her posture and gulps. "Will i need a smoke?" She starts taking a cigarette out of the pack. "No." i close the pack and place my hand on top of hers. "Please, not right now." "Fine". I smile and begin to speak "Ok so, you really mean alot to me. More than literally anything else in my life.." I gently stroke Mac's hand with my thumb. "and...you make me so happy. And uhh im gonna make this short." I look at her and put my forehead on hers. "I'm pretty sure I love you Mac" She gasps and pulls her head away from mine, I'm starting to get a bit nervous. "i'm pretty sure, i love you too?" She turns red and looks down. After admitting it i honestly feel alot better, who knew those few words could fill me with a new found certainty. I grab the box from my bag and i hand it to the freckled goddess sitting beside me. "I'm assuming you wrapped this?" Mac smirks and looks at my crappy wrapping skills. Mac chuckles and starts unwrapping the box and opens it. "..." Mac's face is almost completely red ITS A DILD- (JUST KIDDING). "Kaje..." Mac starts crying the box contained two rings on of them said Kj loves Mac ad the other says Mac loves Kj. The words are engraved on the insides of the rings. "I love it. And i love you even more I-" Mac interrupts herself by leaning up suddenly and smashing her lips into mine. We both laugh and share the best hug of my fucking life.  

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