1 // Built Like A Gladiator

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Having hot and smutty sex with a man whose criminal record is longer than both his arms combined has recently jumped to the top of Everett's bucket list.

It's all he can think about while getting dressed for his date tonight with Shaun, a member of some motorcycle club. Tonight marks their seventh hangout, yet another opportunity for them to dive deeper into the fiery connection that's been growing between them.

Everett is finally ready to go all the way with the foul-mouthed biker, and he can't wait to get to the part of tonight where Shaun takes him home and fucks him into oblivion.

"I'm going for 'fuck me in the backseat of your car' vibes. What do you think?" Everett steps out of his bathroom and back into his bedroom, preening for Alissa and Michael. "Leave it on or change into something else?"

Alissa gives him a double thumbs-up in high approval. "If I weren't a raging lesbian and also your best friend, I'd totally have a lady boner right now."

"God, why are you like this?" Michael rolls his icy blue eyes while chuckling. "The choker is a bit much, though. We're not going to a kink club, so maybe you should save that for another day."

"Yeah, you're probably right." Heeding the advice, Everett removes the black choker and retreats back into the bathroom. He applies some lip gloss before making sure that every curl on his head is alert and popping.

He rarely goes above and beyond with how he dresses, especially when it comes to impressing a man that he isn't serious about, but tonight, he pulled out all the stops: a red leather jacket, a fitted white crop top, high-waisted fishnet tights beneath black torn skinny jeans, and black combat boots.

If this look doesn't get Shaun's dick hard, Everett may have to reevaluate their relationship.

"Hey, your phone just went off with a new text!" Alissa shouts from the bedroom. "Want me to read it? I'm trying to be nice, but I also don't want to be surprised with a dick pic."

"We haven't even gotten to that level yet, so you'll be fine. Open the message," Everett laughs. "It's probably Shaun. He told me he'd be picking me up on his motorcycle tonight. He usually takes me out in his truck, so this will be my first ride! That better not be him texting to cancel on me..."

"Nope. Just him reporting he's about fifteen minutes out," Alissa says. "How do you want to respond?"

"With a few suggestive emojis, please." Everett smirks at his reflection in the mirror. "I want him to know how excited I am about tonight."

Everett, despite being twenty-four years old, still gets carded at clubs and bars. With his light brown eyes, short curly brown hair, pouty lips, and freckle-kissed face, he'd once despised looking younger than he was. Nowadays, he exploits it, especially when he's trying to worm his way out of trouble with his parents. It isn't easy having them as roommates.

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