Another One, Thank You

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"Blowjob. Funny word isn't it. But also completely wrong cause you aren't exactly blowing on someone's penis, no you're sucking someone's penis.  Penis is also another funny word because- ." But before I could get my next words out the person grab their jackets and quickly left the bar all together (Add more action in between the words)

That's like the third person to leave me alone here, which confirms what I've been thinking. I am pretty fucking sure that I am getting on everyone nerves at this  bar. The issue is, is that I don't care. I don't give one single fuck, because this has honestly been the worst day of my entire life. People pleasing and kissing ass for 9 hours out of a 12 hour day means that I get to let loose and no one and I mean no one will take that away from me today, because it sucked ass. God looked down on me today and said, "Let's make Adrianna's day a living hell. Let's make her feel like someone took a massive shit on her and then rubbed it in. Let's make her feel that she's close to the orgasm and then pull away at the last fucking minute."

I just don't understand how my life could get this bad. They said adulting was hard but bitch, they didn't say I would be fighting for my life every single day. I was this close to cutting  my hair and dying it but my hair can't take any more fucking damage. So for my peace of mind and for the greater good of my hair, I've decided to do the most respectable and mature thing that an adult could do I'm going to drink myself into an oblivion.

"Bart the Bartender, Honey, where's my drink?," I drunkenly giggle. "My diet Dr. Kelp Drink? How am I supposed to eat without my DRINK," I slump further onto the bar. At this point my ass is in the air and my chest is half way on the other side.

Bart the bartender stumbles and damn near trips trying to get to my side. He goes around the bar and he leans down and shout whispers in my ear "Would you please, be quiet. You are scaring away my sane customers."  He looks up and sends a reassuring smile to those sitting on the other side of me.

I look over and noticed a small group of people sending judging glares, one lady even fucking scrunches her noise up in disgust. Fucking bitch. I rapidly shoot up from my seat and raise my hand in the air and loudly proclaim, "No one is sane in the quest for happiness for we are all waiting to meet our inevitable and tragic ending." I proceed to let out a loud cackle before spreading back into the chair and stare at Bart the Bartender.

"Okay Shakespeare, sit your ass down." Bart the bartender quickly ushers me back to my seat before rounding around the bar and fixing me a drink. He comes back with a clear substance and a pill and says, "Drink this and take this pill, I'm calling someone to come get you." As soon as he turns away to grab his phone, I throw the pill behind me where it seemed to land on someone's head with a loud "OW" as my confirmation.

Bart the Bartender  comes back with phone in hand and a wary look on his face. I grin from ear to ear and proceed to take a sip from the clear substance, which  quickly leaves my mouth in big spurts "Bart the Bartender," I pause.

That takes too much mouth space, Imma call him BTB.

"BTB , " I say loudly. "This is fucking water. Where's the liquid gold?" I asked banging my hand against the table top.

BTB ignores my new nickname and calls out, "Your drunk ass doesn't need any more liquid gold. And did you take that ibuprofen or not?"

" BTB you cool and all but I don't know you. I can't take random pills from you. Even drunk me is smarter than that." I calmly slide my glass over to his side of the bar and tap the top of it. ''Another one, please and thank you."

BTB rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Idiot, you've been here since you were a freshman in college. I've had to hold you hair back when you threw up on not one, but three of my Bartenders. I had to take care of you when blacked out twice in the same night. I had to cover for you when your mom called asking for you at two in the fucking clock in the morning. I punched two Men in the face when they tried to slip something in your drink. I have seen the worse and the good, so yes I do know you and no not another drink. " He pushes another cup of water and another pill towards me. "Take the fucking pill and drink the water so you can be a little bit sober when my guy comes to take you home.  That way he doesn't have to deal with half of the shit that I have to deal with." After his very long and quite honestly brutally honest speech, he turns away to begin shutting down for the night.

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