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June 5th 2015

The day it all happened. “Evelyn get up!” a woman yelled. Evelyn, a girl with blonde hair with pink highlights, green eyes, and light tan skin had just woken up to her mom calling her name. “Yeah!?” she yelled as she got up.
       Her feet lightly hit the floor as she moved away from her bed. She walked to her closet and changed into jeans and a hoodie. She didn't hear a reply from her mom “mom?” she called out as she walked out of her room. She walked down the hallway and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 8:30 am.

       She walked downstairs as she looked for her mom. “Ah!” Evelyn yelled as she saw her mom frozen in place. It scared her. She looked around her mom and poked her ‘what the hell?’ she thoughted. She looked around her home then walked into the kitchen. She stopped walking and saw the water from the tap in the sink not moving. It was like it was frozen in pace.

        She walked over to the sink and touched the water. It felt weird to her because it was wet and she was able to move it like an object but it still stayed where she moved it. Evely was so confused it scared her. She walked back into the living room where her mom was frozen in place.

       She left the home trying to see if it was just her home. It wasn’t the whole world was frozen. The birds were frozen in place in the middle of the air. She looked around frantically. She ran down the road to see her neighbors frozen in place. Time has just stopped. After a while she went back home.

        “How?’” she asked herself. She didn't understand why everything was frozen and why she wasn't. She sighed, she looked at her watch and it did work but didn't show the time. She put on a stopwatch to keep track of the days. She looked at her home and walked inside. Evelyn went to her room and looked around. She was looking for something. “Ha!” she yelled and pulled her bag.

         She knew she couldnt be the only one not frozen. She started packing some things. She soon left her room and walked down the hallway looking at the time again reading 8:30am. She sighed and walked downstairs. She went to the kitchen and packed some food. She walked over to her mom and put her hand on her mom's face.

         “Hey… I'm going for a while. I need to figure out what happened. I don't know how long I'll be but I promise I will be back.” she said. She waited hopping for a response. She sighed and walked to the door that leads out of her home. She opened it slowly and looked at her mom. A singular tear fell from her eyes. She soon left her home and started walking. She looked at the watch and it had already been an hour since she started it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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