chapter 1 the ice prince

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       In a big luxurious mansion a very stunning god like man in his late twenties was sitted with an old man in his early fifties. The young man seemed to be really pissed off about something as he argued gravelly  he seemed really frustrated and the cold aura he was exuding made the room temperature very chilly like a very snowy day on winter he was really annoyed at the old man sitting before him
    "Dad I've told you time without number that I don't need anyone's help in managing my business I really don't need help of any kind" .
       The god like man said in a very cold and gloomy tone as he creased his brows In annoyance.
"I know Xander my son, you don't need to act all angry and pissed off about it".
    The old man tried to coax him with his words but that only irked the ice prince sitting before him.
          "Father,you really think I'm pretending to be pissed off, I'm burning with rage here because this isn't the first time I'm telling you I don't need a personal assistant and a female at that".
            Xander said trying to keep his sanity in check because his father was really driving him crazy. He was really angered by what his father was telling him because he didn't like women and he gets easily irritated by them.
         "Father ,you are being rather unreasonable. you know that I can't bear being close to women especially shameless one's who throw themselves at me".
          Xander continued with irritation clearly written over his face he couldn't help wonder why his father was being so persistent on this particular issue.

The hot PA and the icy cold boss (ice prince)Where stories live. Discover now