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A/n: I'm not the best at writing and there will probably be some mistakes so if you see anything wrong comment and let me know please. Hope you enjoy:)


It's a nice warm day with a cool breeze. Sasaki and Miyano are packing for a trip to the beach. It's about 8am and they finished packing bout an hour ago so they've just been cuddling. They have to leave by 9:30am so Sasaki gets up and leaves their bedroom.

Miyano smelt food so he got up and snuck to the kitchen doorway to watch Sasaki as he cooked. Miyano loves it when Sasaki cooks. Sasaki had turned around to grab something off the counter and noticed that Miyano was standing there watching, so he decided to quickly walk over to the doorway, pick Miyano up and quickly walk over to the counter to set him on it and give him a quick kiss before the food started to burn.

Sasaki's pov

When I left the room I went right to the kitchen to start making breakfast. I was halfway done but I needed to grab some seasoning. I turned around to grab it off the counter when I saw Miya standing in the doorway watching me, I quickly got the idea to go over pick him up, carry him to the counter set him on it, than I quickly gave him a kiss before going back to the stove before the food burnt.

Miyano's pov

A little bit after Sasaki left the bedroom maybe 20 minutes ago, I started smelling food. I got up and slowly yet quietly snuck to the kitchen and leaned against the door way to watch him. A couple minutes later Sasaki turned around to grab something off the counter, and as he turned around he saw me standing there. He speed walked over to me and picked me up, took me with him and set me on the counter before quickly kissing me and going back to the food. I quickly covered my bright red face with my hands but not long after I moved my hands away to watch him again.

Present time, no one's pov

About five minutes passed and Sasaki said something, "Love do you mind setting the plates and silverware out for me?" Miyano hopped down from the counter and went over to the cabinet to grab the plates and put them on the table, then grabbed silverware and put them on the table along with cups, next to the plates. "There you go everything is out" said Miyano when he finished. Sasaki turned off the burners and brought the food to the table. He grabbed him and Miya some Orange juice set them them down than they sat down and started eating. By the time they finished eating they had to get ready to leave, they only had about 4 minutes till they have to leave. The grabbed there stuff and put it all in the car before locking up the house and getting in the car to leave. It was a 3 hour drive so they took turns driving. Sasaki drove for the first hour, they had stopped at a gas station to fill up there gas, use the restroom, and grab a couple snacks and drinks than they got back in the car to leave, Miyano driving the next hour. They were at a red light when Miyano looked over at Sasaki cus he was going to say something to him but he was sleeping so he ended up just keeping quiet and continued driving when the light turned green. When that hour was up they stopped to use the restroom and switched who was driving. But before they started off again they just sat in the car for a bit while Sasaki was trying to completely wake up, they were sitting in silence in till Sasaki started talking "How long was I asleep for?". It took Miyano a minute to answer because he was trying to think of how long it was "About half an hour, maybe a bit longer" he replied. "I'm sorry why didn't you wake me?" Sasaki asked, Miyano looked at him "Because you needed rest so you could drive.... And you looked cute asleep so I didn't want to wake you" He said while there was a faint blush creeping up on his cheeks. He tried to hide the blush but it didn't work Sasaki saw it and smirked, "Ok, well now it's your turn to sleep." He said not knowing what to say, "But I don't need to sleep this is the last hour till we get there!" Miyano replied happily clearly to excited to sleep. "Alright if you say so but I don't wanna hear you complain about being tired." Sasaki said with a chuckle, "I won't!" Miya replied trying but failing to look angry, which caused Sasaki to smirk at him once more before leaning over to kiss him. "Ok fine I believe you, get buckled so I can start driving" He than proceeded to buckle himself and waited untill Miya was buckled than they left.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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