Hell Breaks Loose

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Hyunsuk's peaceful sleep was disturbed by a loud thud, it felt like someone broke a glass bottle.
There were green pieces of glass shattered in the living room which gave a sense of deja vu.
There was no Jihoon to cover Hyunsuk's ears or to pat him to sleep. He had to face this himself.

"S... Sungmin..ssi..?"

"You bitch! You thought you could meet my enemy behind my back and I wouldn't know"

Sungmin stumbled towards Hyunsuk.

"I... I don't know what you're-"

"Stop playing dumb you slut! The guy who came to visit you every other fucking day is Park Jihoon, another mafia, more specifically my rival."

Hyunsuk was definitely taken aback for some time.
"Huh? You didn't know that he was a mafia, did he also lie to you like I did..."
Sungmin laughed hysterically while Hyunsuk's heart broke in a million pieces.

"You're such a loser Hyunsuk, but you know what, before I throw you away you're gonna do something for me"

Sungmin took out a gun from his pocket and pointed it below Hyunsuk's chin.

"I know you love him, and you know what, that rascal also loves you otherwise he would have used you long ago...such a true love oh god! But reality is not as fair, is it ever? So get ready to kill your Romeo..."

Sungmin handled the gun in Hyunsuk's shaking hands and whispered
"You'll kill him, in two days I'll call him at a place and you'll shoot this bullet through his head.....and if you won't, then be ready for receiving your precious Doyoung's head."

Hyunsuk stared at the gun with eyes brimming with tears.
"It hasn't got bullets yet, I'm not that dumb babe."

Hyunsuk is heartbroken, he has yet again been deceited by the person he came to trust. The only difference being that this time he loves that person. And love makes you keep faith in them. Hyunsuk wants to believe that Jihoon still wants him. He cannot kill Jihoon but he also can't see Doyoung die....

Jihoon has geared up his plan of subjugation of the Kang leader. Shōta Nakajima had almost lost his mind upon hearing the information about his sister and whether he trusts them or not is still unclear but Jihoon has to stop it. Stop Sungmin from ruining so many lives.

It is the D-day and Jihoon is ready go by his plan when a sudden call from an unknown number interrupted him.


"Hi long time friend or
should I say enemy, anyways,
your little lover Tsuki is with me
and I'm going to kill him."

"Fuck you rascal! Let him go.
I'll kill if you even dare to scratch

"Calm down my friend, He's
my husband remember?"

"Husband my ass! Don't try
to play tricks with me."

"Oh so you know that the marriage
is a fraud, well anyways if you
want to save your damsel in
distress, them come unarmed to
the location I'm sending you.
See ya."


"Mr Kim that asshole has held Hyunsuk as hostage and he's asking me to go to the secret basement unarmed."

"Sir...but we know that he's gonna bring Ms Nakajima there today..."

"Yes but that dumbshit doesn't know that we know about it Mr Kim."

"Sir you can't go there, what if he has planned an ambush!"

"No Mr Kim, he's not that simple of a guy. He must have had some dirty move planned up his sleeve.....anyways I can't leave Hyunsuk to him..."

"Sir we'll be on standby,,,,and we have already sent our men the map to the place....sir please be safe."

"I will Mr Kim, trust me."


Jihoon reaches the damn basement unarmed and is met by Sungmin holding a gun by Hyunsuk's head, surrounded by a bunch of his men also armed with guns.

"Welcome Park Jihoon, you really came for this slut!"

"Stop with your bullshit you fucker! And get to the damn point."

"The point well is that you got your game of prying in your enemy's den busted. And I got to know of the little affair you're having with my wife."

"You don't deserve to be associated with him, scoundrel!"

"Oh look who says that, the mighty Park Jihoon who lied to an innocent guy about not being a mafia..."

A sudden realisation did dawn upon Jihoon because he really had lied to hyunsuk about not being a mafia and also his initial intentions weren't the best.

"Look Hyunsuk, he has also deceived you, he just used you to plan a revenge on me.."

"S..Sukkie......I... I..."

Sungmin loaded the gun and Jihoon was on alert.
"Don't fucking hurt him Sungmin or els-"

Sungmin after loading the gun, placed it in Hyunsuk's hand,
"Go shoot your love"

Jihoon was baffled yet he understood how it must have been Sungmin's plan to pitch them against one another.
"Go finish him Hyunsuk or else you know Doyoungie.."

Hyunsuk took a step forward with gun in his hand aimed at Jihoon. He looked devastated, he could break any moment.

Jihoon moved a step forward as well,
"Sukkie, I'm sorry....I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I don't want to hurt you, I never wanted that. Doyoungie is safe Sukkie, I already sent my men there... I'm sorry I lied to you,, I'm sorry I did not meet you with clean intentions at first but after meeting you,,,,you became a treasure for me...Sukkie you are braver than anyone I know, your honesty is your strength..more than anything I only wish for you to smile Sukkie....but you can still shoot me okay? if you hate me...
After all, Can you still trust me, after all that I did?!"

Hyunsuk couldn't respond to the heartfelt confession as he fell on his knees drowning in his tears. He plopped down and pointed the gun at his own head.

"No Sukkie-"

*Pang* *Pang*

Two gun shots were heard simultaneously.
One bullet went through Jihoon's abdomen while the other went through Sungmin's forehead.

The first bullet was shot by Sungmin and the second was shot by Nakajima Shōta.

A series of bullet shots were heard as men of the Kang group and Park group clashed at face.

Hyunsuk ducked down and covered his ears but then he saw Jihoon falling on his knees and then dropping on the ground. His heart clenched as the devastating scene unfolded.

"Can I Trust You?" [SUKHOON]♡Where stories live. Discover now