Through The Times

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Hyunsuk ran to grab a half conscious Jihoon in his arms.
"Jihoon ssi!!! Hoonie!...listen to me...I trust you... I always trusted you...I believed in you...."

Jihoon barely reached his hand out to cup Hyunsuk's cheek...and looked at hyunsuk with his half open eyes.
"Sukkie....thank you for still believing in me....take care of yourself and Doyoung okay? And remember I...I love you Sukkie...I love you...."

"I you Jihoon....this love made my belief in you can't leave me here promised that you'll make things better.... I'll hate you if you break that promise..j..jihoon.."

Hyunsuk was crying nonstop, losing control of himself. That's when Shōta supported Hyunsuk from behind.
"He'll be okay, don't worry......彼をすぐに病院に連れて行ってください (take him to the hospital quickly)"

A few people that came with Shōta helped Jihoon and Hyunsuk to get out of the scene while Shōta followed them.

Jihoon was in the ICU and Hyunsuk was sitting by the door waiting for the emergency operation to end.
Hyunsuk looked at his clothes that were stained red, of Jihoon's blood...

Hyunsuk cried and cried, waiting for the love of his life to come back, to tell him to stop crying.

Doyoung arrived at the hospital,
Hyunsuk couldn't even feel the happiness of seeing his brother after almost a year, all he could mutter between his sobs was
"D... Doyoungie...I...I..."
"It's okay hyung....I got to know about everything....Mr Park will be alright..."

Doyoung hugged his brother and comforted him.

"He's a great guy, had it not been for him I would have lost my sister forever...make sure to love him Mr Choi, he loves you too much, he was even ready to fight with me for you."
Mr Shōta left after flashing a comforting smile to Hyunsuk.

Doctor came out a few hours later,
"It's a relief that the bullet missed the heart but.....the patient has gone into coma"

[The medical reference here is not accurate, take note]

The mere news of Jihoon being alive was enough for Hyunsuk to breath a heavy sigh of relief. But coma? Why does life have to be so unfair to him.

Time skip

A year later

Hyunsuk is planning to return to the hospital to check on Jihoon like he usually does, but he is grabbed by small palms that stop him.

"Eh? Hajun-a what happened? Don't want to go back home?"
"No I want to stay with Mr Choi.."

Yes 'Mr Choi' is a full time primary school teacher now. After all the sufferings and pain he faced for past years, he had come to become self dependent both financially and emotionally. Now he doesn't cry easily when he sees shattered glass, nor does he gets bullied by people easily.

"But Hajun-a I have to go to see a friend."
"You always go to see this friend after school ends, who is this?"
"Umm, let me see.... He's a special friend."
"Oh! can say that he's your boyfriend Mr Choi~"

The kid started laughing but then recieved a little smack on the head by embarrassed Hyunsuk.

"Still Mr Choi....why is he so special?"

"Um...He is is him. Hajun-a sometimes just mere existence of certain people in your life is enough to calm you in the moments of chaos. It's like, by only remembering them, you form an instant smile on your face and the love you grow to have for them becomes unconditional..."

The kid gave a confused look at which Hyunsuk laughed.
"Oh my! Sorry hajun-a you won't understand this now, but when you become older and find someone special who cares for you, then please cherish them!"

Hyunsuk entered the same hospital room that he's been visiting everyday in the past one year.

"Hi Jihoonie, today was a nice day as well. You know what Hajun said that you're my boyfriend....I wanted to agree with him but I was too embarrassed and it's not like you have agreed but anyways I won't let you reject me...."

Hyunsuk took Jihoon's hand with the cannula on, and leaned to rest his head on the bed.
"Wake up now long are you gonna make me wait...."

The silent room was filled with Hyunsuk's feeble sobs.
But then Hyunsuk felt a hand slightly running through his hair.
As soon as he looked up he was left speechless.....
Jihoon woke up! He freakin opened his eyes...

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