Before you read this you must be aware of the personal stories and beatiful and dangerous places you are about to know.YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. P.S: English is not my main language and i apologize for any gramatical mistakes
I woke up at 4:00 a before the sun has rissen. I woke up yelling and all my body covered in sweat. I just had the longest and more lucid dream i have ever had.My mom entered the room and yelled
-What is wrong with you?!!-she yelled-(she isn't the best mother in the moorning by the way)
-Nothing, i had some sort of nightmare-i said.(i wasn't sure if it was a beatiful dream or a nightmare beacause it wont become real)
She looked at me with angry eyes and turned away. Before i could noticed i got my dream journal but i couldn't rememberd it so i difn't write anyhing. I was so pissed off becausei had just forgotten the most beatiful and amaizing dream in then world. But i remembered that i needed to sleep for tomorrow concert at st.paul theatre. I will be playing the next day as principal cellist so i had to sleep well. Cello is my favorite instrument so i play it very well or even excellent for my age
The next day i woke up and looked at me on the mirror.I wass a young teenager almost a grown up adult. But at that moment i just have sixteen years old. My hair was blond, and large it's lenght was almost the same as my body. That day i had to make a ponytail to keep my hair away from my face. My face was blushed by the emotions of that day. After that i looked at my eyes they were a light blue almost green i loved the
I didn't hear the steps of my mother coming to my bedroom so i yelled when she opened the door and instanly she covered her eyes
- I'm not naked- i said almost laughing
-oh, right. Did you finished or do you wanted some help?-she asked that while she was uncovering her eyes -No thanks -i said. That was my concert day and i was so happy about it that i spent all the day at school smiling
At 3:00 pm we went to st. Paul theatre it was the most amaizing theatre in all the city so i was pretty nervous. When we arrieved my teacher lead us to ours theatre's special sits. There were everyone from the orchestry and i couldn't be happier about it. When some time passed they called us to the scenario

Heart tone
General Fictionit is an amaizing book full of stories and amazing characters this story will get you form the begging