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It was very dark with only the light of the stars. The moon was out and full. Two figures stood on a hill; the smaller figure looked reluctant, but the taller figure looked determined.

“You’re insane!” A girl wearing a black cloak with a hood hissed at the man, who also had the hood of his cloak up.

“I know, I know.” He sounded mildly annoyed. “But, I can’t help it. I love her, and she needs protection.”

“Well, I suppose I can’t stop you then.” The girl pushed her hood back to run a hand through her long black hair. She looked up at him with her large amber eyes. “You know they’ll come after her, don’t you? I shouldn’t even be here right now, let alone talking to you.”

He looked down at her with his piercing blue ones. “I figured as much. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine and so will you. But, you have to go now if you want to not get in trouble.”

She nodded and put her hand on his arm before leaving. “Be careful…” her whispered warning echoed around him as he stood on the hill that overlooked the normal-sized house of his soul mate.


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