ꪮne six six

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the girl finally woke, her eyes taking a minute to adjust as she scanned her surroundings. she settled her gaze on the slightly blurry figure in front of her, and when she blinked a few more times, she realized the figure was kun.

she furrowed her brows. he looked sad. "what happened?"

"you..." kun paused, the crease between his eyebrows loosening softly as he brushed some of her hair behind her ear. "you were crying."

soojin blinked once again before bringing her hand up to touch her cheek. sure enough, it was sticky with the remaining drying tears. "oh."

"what happened?" he coaxed gently, hand continuing to brush through her hair. it was comforting, but when soojin thought back to her dream, it didn't do much to help.

she took a small breath before finding kun's worried eyes once again. "you."

blood. so much blood.

"you didn't wake up."

her voice grew quieter with each word, and kun knew it was his signal to pull her into his chest. he held her close, massaging small circles into her back as he softly whispered, "again?"

soojin didn't answer. instead, she carefully began tracing a finger over the scar on his chest and huffed a quiet sigh. "does it hurt?"

"not anymore." kun breathed, placing his hand over the top of hers as he rubbed his thumb over the back of her palm. he listened as she sucked in a shaky breath, "i was so scared. i don't think i've ever been that scared in my life."

"me neither." he paused, reaching up to trail a finger over her jaw. when he caught her watery gaze, kun smiled. "don't think i forgot what you said to me back there."

soojin's brows drew together as she tilted her head up to properly face her boyfriend. "what did i say? it's just a big messy blur i'd really love to forget."

kun smiled and said, "about us getting married. and traveling everywhere together." he mimicked her crying voice and she slapped his chest, careful not to do it too hard in case he was still sore anywhere.

"whatever. my future husband doesn't make fun of crying me."

"my future wife doesn't take back her word."

she sat up, her hand still resting gently on his chest. "what if we just... go."

kun cocked a brow, "just go?"

"yeah. we'll find the vegas equivalent in korea and just drive until we get there. and we won't look back."

soojin could tell by kun's silence that he was considering it. he tipped his chin to the side before eventually shaking his head. "as amazing as that sounds, i have to be the grounded one, and i can't have you running away from your million-dollar corporation."

it was her turn to think for a moment, lips pulled to the side in concentration. "fine. then we go away for the weekend. when we return, we can go back to being mature adults. but while we're away... we stay away. we leave all this baggage behind and just focus on us." her lips pursed together desperately. "i just want to be with you. all the time. in a way that doesn't sound creepy."

"then, soojin, let's find the vegas equivalent of korea." her hands flew forward, trapping his face between them as she kissed him. then she bit her lip and nearly groaned when she made her mind up about a separate situation. "before we leave, there's one thing i need to do first."

"connecting you to inmate 401: kwon hyohei."

soojin held her breath as the line rang. she'd received a call a few days ago from hyohei's lawyer, giving her the date and time to except a call from namju prison. she'd almost told him to fuck off, but part of her couldn't resist to hear what such a waste of space had to say to her—


soojin's thoughts cut off. she waited. then inhaled through her nose. "hyohei."

there was a giant sigh on the other line. the girl couldn't tell if it was relief, guilt, or both. "oh my god, soojin, i... jesus, i-i didn't..." hyohei choked out a weird sound that made soojin clench her jaw. "i just wanted them to scare you or rough you up a bit, i swear. i didn't want anyone to get seriously hurt."

"hyohei." hyohei's lips clamped shut. soojin could practically taste her nerves through the phone. "listen, and listen good. pull anything like that again, and i will kill you. do you understand me."

met with silence, the ravenette repeated herself nice and slow. "do you understand?"

"yes! yes, i understand." she paused, voice squeaking with a muffled cry. "i'm sorry. for everything."

soojin nodded, knowing the girl on the other line couldn't see her. "i don't forgive you."

•hi i moved sookun playlist to the link in my bio and added a fewwwww more songs you guys have mentioned it suggested <3 ilyyy

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hi i moved sookun playlist to the link in my bio and added a fewwwww more songs you guys have mentioned it suggested <3 ilyyy

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