Imagines (31)

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Your POV:

The begining of a strained smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she mustered her best apologetic glance at the stranger she was talking to.

"Excuse me, Jaden" Her thumb and forefinger slid around my wrist, her grip tight.

"YN, may I have a word with you, in private?"

The harsh grit in her voice was a sign that I'd achieve success; Smirking lightly, I nodded gracefully at Jaden, a slight skip in my step as Dua dragged me into our shared room, forcing the door closed as angrily as she could without ripping it straight off its hinges and alerting the teachers.

"You cannot" I reminded her as her fingers hovered above the bolts. "The teachers told us our rules very specifically; no locking up rooms at any time. Do you really want to be sent back home midway through the school trip?"

"Man fuck the teachers and their stupid rules!" She drew in a breath, possibly to calm herself. I perched happily onto the edge of our bed, my legs swinging meaningfully.

"What's your problem?!" She ground out, spinning on her heel and abandoning the door. I arched an eyebrow inquisitively, just in time to see her groan loudly.

"Why are you acting like such a bitch?" She spat out next, drawing herself to her full height as she loomed dangerously in front of me. "Jaden is really nice- and I wanted attention." I stated simply.

She seemed taken aback by my bluntness, before exasperation split across her face. I toyed with the ends of my hair boredly.

"You're such a spoilt brat, honestly." She finally decided, crossing her arms. "I can't imagine anyone more needy."

"Needy?" I repeated, my turn to take offence. I chambered to my feet as well, but at my comparatively short stature of height, my scalp barely touched her nose.

"I'm not needy, Ms Lipa, I just expect full attention when I talk to you-"

"I do give you attention!" She cried, her arms launching into the air. "You're just a jealous bitch who apparently can't deal with me taking my eyes off of you for a second-"

"Jealous?" I gave a derisive laugh. "Me? Oh, bless your little delusional heart."

I saw her brown eyes crease and her defense mechanism activate. "Says the person that was throwing a tantrum when I was just talking to Jaden-"

She was caught off guard as I closed the little distance between us, very intentionally pushing myself against her until we were chest to chest, my hot breath fanning her nose. Color suffused her cheeks instantly as I lazily tossed a hand around her neck, caressing the nape of her neck.

A victorious smile lit up my face as her breath caught in her throat, her eyes fogging in lust as they looked down at me. Leaning forward teasingly, I made sure my lips ghosted across her jawline as I brought them to her ear.

"I don't need to be jealous, sweetheart" I whispered alluringly, a chill running up my spine as her sexy hands encircled my waist. "Not when all I need for your attention to be back on me is do this."

Her fingertips traced teasingly across the skin my tank top bared when I lifted my arms, before i felt her hold tightening. As her lips rushed to meet mine, however, I slipped out of her grasp effortlessly, reclaiming my place on our bed and smirking satisfactorily at her.

I got exactly the reaction I wanted from her.

Her eyes met mine again, but they weren't the blazing brown I'd seen moments prior. Her irises were now darkened with desire, the impulsion of her impending actions hanging in the air.

Flicking a pillow aside I gestured for her to sit, and she complied. I lifted an expectant gaze to her, and she sighed loosely.

"I'm sorry for not giving you enough attention, YN"

Despite myself I grinned, but it went unnoticed as I leaned forward slightly, grasping the folds of her pajamas between my fingers.

"Then prove it"

She didn't need to be told twice. In a flash of a second, I found myself pinned against the mattress, her dangerous eyes hovering above me. I only got the time for a half- smirk before her lips claimed mine with full purpose.

The mattress cushioned my fall as she swiftly pushed me down against it, her body hovering ontop mine. The oxygen was quickly draining from my lungs, but I would rather die than break this kiss.

Moments later, she pulled away, and as her brown irises examined every feature on my face, she seemed to comprehend her actions.

Quicker than I could tell her to stop, she darted across the bed, insufferable guilt written across her cheeks. I rolled my eyes, using my elbows to lift myself up into a sitting position.

"Mon Dieu! YN, I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into me-"

"Yo, you don't need to apologise, Dua." I beamed up at her, and her brows furrowed. "Just kiss me"

She stared at me, her eyes meeting mine. Her eyes filled with lust again, and I quirked my lips.

That was it.

She all but pounced on me, hand cradling my jawline as her lips found mine roughly. I was limp in her arms, taken by the passion of her lust filled kiss.

Mustering up as much strength as I could, I sucked in a breath, before turning and flipping us over. The collision of her body with the mattress certainly broke a few springs, but we couldn't give a fuck.

"YN, we're going downstairs for dinner!"

As swift as a cheetah, I broke away from her, hastily stuffing a pillow in between our profusely sweaty forms. Marie, my best friend, confusedly pushed the door open, brow furrowing as she looked down at us.

"Hey, Marie" I muttered weakly, attempting to shield my flushed cheeks from her gaze as I drew in a well required oxygen.

"What were you guys doing? Was she bothering you?" Marie asked suspiciously.

"No- not at all" I forced out a weak smile. "I- I.. I was tired. Just taking a quick nap."

Dua played dead.

"Okay." Marie nodded, shooting one last glare at my secret affair. "Hurry, downstairs, or those pigs may eat all the food.

"I'll be there soon" I assured her.

No sooner than Marie's head disappeared from the view, Dua raised her head, grinning suggestively as she extended a long, creamy leg from underneath the sheets, kicking the door closed.

And with her soft whisper of "where were we?" As she climbed back on top of me, I knew for sure that we would be missing dinner tonight.


An: Hey lovelies! Told y'all I'll be updating frequently now right? Well I didn't lie cuz a bitch is finally on holiday 😌

Also don't forget to vote if you like! You're beautiful, and i appreciate all of y'all that votes and show support to my work. It really means the world to me lol. I love y'all so much! Stay safe ✌🏽♡

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