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Note 1

I have begun work on a new batch of clones, they are to be in the 21st Nova Corps. One of the new batch, CT-4958, has been infused with the blood of the Sifo Dias in hopes of making him at the very little mild force sensitive, without the knowledge of any of the others of course. A personal project of mine if you will. I'm waiting on any results.

Note 2

CT-4958 has shown good signs, he has advanced reflexes and often trusts his 'gut'. Although I believe these are due to mild force sensitivity. More research must be done. He is showing to be a little impulsive, and is quite independent, although this independence is showing to be a positive trait. His fellow squad mates look to him as their leader. That much is obvious. He is still young so it could very well be his age coming into play here.

Note 3

Notice of CT-4958's obvious skill has begun, he has made friends with many of his brothers outside of his squad. Notably with CT-7567, nicknamed Rex by his squad and CT-4958. CT-4958 has been nicknamed 'Huǒ' by other clones, which translates to 'fire'. Quite accurate I will say.

Note 4

Huǒ has now chosen his weapon, two D17 blaster pistols, a unique choice. Although he likely won't be using them often due to the type of combat he'll be engaged in if war breaks out. He recently asked to be trained to wield a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon, it is currently being discussed. His force sensitivity has also began to show through, he has advanced hearing and sight that rivals jedi padawans that would be roughly his age. Physically at least. He has also begun to show notable interest in flying, it's likely natural childlike curiosity that humans tend to have, but it's also being discussed on whether he should receive training to fly an ARC170 starfighter.

Note 5

Huǒ has been successfully trained to fly ARC170 starfighters, along with his heavy hear training also coming to completion he's showing to be among the best of the best. When their was a recent Commando raid he quickly stepped up and without hesitation got into a fist fight with one of them without an ounce of fear. He's shown to have basic foresight during combat, a part of being force sensitive. It's becoming more and more interesting by the day. Nonetheless his main values and traits haven't changed at all. He's still a strong and independent leader, he's shown to care about his brothers more than the average clone. Due to this it's been decided he's going to be a captain.

Note 6

War is brewing, and Huǒ has been called into the fight alongside his 199,999 other brothers by Grandmaster Yoda. I'm interested in seeing his career as a soldier.

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