Chapter 1- On And On And On

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**Warning! This Story is under major revision! Read at your own risk. Some parts of the story may not add up since we're correcting and removing things. Grammar and spelling is also being fixed, so bear with us, if you can handle it DO READ IT!.***

Cover By @CloudyTeaCup

Dedicated to all the teenage girls who think that they ain't any good :)


The sound is so annoying, Arghh the fucking alarm clock, I really wish I could stop that noise it's been going on for fifteen minutes.Damn! So I push myself to wake up, as I open my eyes I notice my alarm ... Shit, not again I am late again! I switch off my alarm and get ready quickly.As I enter the kitchen I observe that my mom has served cereals for breakfast and she tells me to finish it up quickly (she has this belief that in the morning we should have cereals as its necessary for us and that drinking milk is good for a girls health) Rushing I stuff all my books in my bag and briskly walk to the bus-stop until I saw the bus leaving me behind and not even stopping.Damn! I missed my bus again which means I'll reach late to school resulting in a detention ''Can life get any better?'' I think to my self.

Yes,That's right this is a small part of my life,So hey I'm Nicole Fernandes,17.An Indian origin black haired girl, curvy and loves to talk random stuff. When I say random I do mean that RANDOM,I can go on talking from topics such as music to how i find the American Pie movie series on and on but sadly this is my life, nope i ain't a nerd, popular cheerleader, gossip queen or the most hated person in high school I am just a regular kid with regular life but you can call me the ''backbencher'' like the other people in school call me I have no clue why being seated at the back in the class is such a big deal in my school. WHY WHY WHY?!?!

Just then my train of thought broke by a HORN!! Damn it why on earth would someone keep honking like that??

OMG!! The "sex god" of my school Jake Emmanuel was the driver of the honking car, my jaw drops in shock until than my thoughts break Why on earth is he honking? Realizing I was in the middle of the streets i moved to the footpath and walked towards the school until he shouts out "Hey you" I thought he was calling to someone else, I mean why on earth would the 'sex god' call out to me i thought so I ignored that fact and kept walking then he shouts out "Ni-ummm-Nicole right?'' that's when i turn around,"Want a ride?''.I wanted to scream OMG! I thought,where the fuck did the sun rise from,this is not happening was it true that Jake Emmanuel is asking me if I want a ride?,Hell ya i wanted to scream but than I just spoke and said ''ummm, sure why not as long as i reach on time,"He laughs and says ''Don't worry you will,jump in'',I reach for the door and sit next to him why on earth would the 'sex god' ask me if i wanted a ride?

Not only is he the sex god but also the football team captain,The school prefect, The debate team captain, the topper of the school, the drama club head and the most amazing musician yet he was always a mystery to everyone in the school, and he is offer me a ride? I thought, Screw the ride why would he even talk to me? the question kept going on and on in my head until my thoughts broke by him saying,"So you're my neighbour?'' ,And I just reply softly saying ''ya, I guess is that wrong?'' crap I thought why on earth should I be so rude? he hasn't really done any harm to me why? then he said ''actually no, it is just that we have never really spoken even though he noticed me many times, What the....!?!?... My thoughts break as we reach the school and he parks the the car in the parking lot, before he could speak i realize the time and ran to the school main door and push it open and run no no no as i realized how late I was to class, i walk into the classroom and Miss.Rebecca gives me this look.. again, its her signature look where she puts her hands on her hip and one eye brow is up and the other normal "YOU ARE LATE AGAIN NICOLE, WHAT EXCUSE DO YOU HAVE NOW?'' I was about to respond when from the back i hear a voice a familiar voice saying "She was with me,She was practising for the music fest ma'am.'' What?! I thought when did i even join the music team?, "UMM, OKAY I SHALL LET YOU ATTEND THE CLASS NICOLE BUT THIS IS THE LAST TIME I SHALL EXCUSE YOU'RE LATENESS" she says. I take my seat and look at Jake but he was busy talking to his friends, giggling i thought they spoke about it and made fun, PHEW! i thought at least I'm safe from detention now i thought.

As soon as the bell rings and I walk out of the class and I see Angela waiting for me Yup that's her name MY BEST FRIEND we have known each other since I shifted here from India(to where?) in 5th (grade?) at first we hated each other I remember how much she needed a pen to write a test and how no one had an extra pen but me,I refused to lend it to her and of course she failed,Well i don't know maybe cause I hated her back then that's why I refused to lend it to her but then one day Walter one of our common friends and also one of my closet friends made us talk to each other and Viola we were close like never before,If anyone hurt her I swear it wouldn't take me a minute to think and beat the shit out of that person the same applies to her also,but soon Walter had left to some Island with his parents as they kept shifting because of his parents work,she walks up to me and says''Did you hear that?'',''Hear what?'' I asked confused wondering what she's talking about, ''You know Harry right?''she asked ''yeah that Jake guys friend right?,also not to forget he is in the newspaper team right?'' i replied her wondering why she is even talking about him ''Yes that guy'' she said ''What about him?'' I asked still confused ''Well he was caught with Lilly in the store room making out with her'' , WHAT THE CRAP??? I thought 'WHAT?!'' I asked almost yelling,''Shh!!! Yes it is'' she said.

"Are you serious?! is it true?!'' asked someone who's voice was mixed with anger and shock I turned around to see that it was none other Jake, ''Well,yes'' Angela replied I pinched Angela and hissed to her ''Why on earth will you tell him don't you know that he'll feel bad?'' , ''He should know the truth okay?'' Angela replied loud enough for Jake to hear ,she turned to him and said ''I am sorry i didn't mean to hurt you but yes its true,they got caught in the store room by the principal,I wish it was a lie but it's so not'' she told him, Jake didn't even say a word he just turned around and walked away as quick as possible .


But I never spoke up I just stood there astonished and angry but I preferred to walk away from Angela at that time, so I just walked away I did hear her call my name again but i ignored her and kept walking away.

Duh i thought he will be angry Lilly was his girlfriend and Harry his best friend why on earth would they make out with each other, disgusting I thought people can reach really low sometimes but not as low as my ex I thought thinking of it only creep-ed me out.

Poor Jake thought he must so annoyed and upset but look at the bright side at lest he found the truth about the asshole and the whore that his girlfriend is and now just maybe he would have a better life or maybe not I thought..

Any way why would I care about him I thought, just then the bell rang making me remind I have a class to attend.


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