Laurens, ill always love you.

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Alex woke up, drowsy and nauseous. 

"Aw man, Jeffie, I need to have BARF!"

He flopped over to the golden crisp toilet, emptying the insides of his stomach. 

Thomas was extremely concerned, as Alex had had about three of these episodes already. 

"Thats it, Hammy, I'm taking you to the doctor!"

- 2 months before -

"Hammy, where have you been?" 

Thomas had been awfully concerned with the whereabouts of his boyfriend. 

Alex walked into the living room with the most distraught look Thomas had ever seen. 

He whispered out slowly, "It's John,"

Thomas stood quickly, "John Laurens? Is he safe, is he alright?"

Alex muttered out, "He's dead," before collapsing to the floor. 

Thomas didn't notice the tear escaping his eye as he laid Alex on the couch. 

- Current time - 

Doctors' offices had never really been a happy place for Alex and Thomas. There was the violence, the tragic party with Mulligan and Lafayette, and even the birth of baby Mike. 

"Jeffie, I don't wanna do it." 

Alex was shaking and profusely sweating. 

Thomas sighed, scratching his head on how to help comfort the mess in front of him.

"I'll hold your hand the whole time. You have nothing to worry about, Hammy."

Suddenly, nurse mumsee opened the door to have a screeching point at Hammy

"Alexander Hamilton, the doctor will see you now."

The doctor began a sonogram to see inside Alex's stomach to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be. 

After a few minutes, she spoke up, "Well, Alex, congratulations! You are pregnant."

"WHAT!!!??????" Thomas screeched, "This is amazing, Hammy! I've always wanted to be a mummae!"

Alex was happy, but also surprised. He had also made a mistake that resulted in him not knowing who the father of the baby actually was. 

"Thank you, doctor, we must be going now."

Alex thought back to that night. The wonderful, but tragic night he spent with John Laurens. 

John was breathless. Alex was not in the right state of mind. 

"Alex, I think I'm still in love with you."

Alex knew it was wrong, but it just felt so right.

The night he betrayed his husband.

The night he truly lost his best friend.

The night he cheated on Thomas. 

Alex had never gotten that night out of his head. He felt guilty every time he looked at Thomas. How was he going to tell him that the baby may not be his?

Thomas had been buying everything for the baby. He was so excited to be a parent. 

"Hammy, I love that you have made me a mummae. I'm so excited for this next chapter of our lives, I-  are you alright?"

Alex screamed, "MY WATEE BROKE!!!!!!"

The car ride to the hospital was reckless. Alex was screaming, Thomas was screaming, the baby was screaming...

Finally, all the screaming stopped.

The sound of a healthy baby boy was the only thing that could be heard.

"Hammy, what should we name our new baby?" Thomas asked.

With a darker complexion, light freckles, curly brown hair, and black eyes, the child was clearly Thomas'. Alex sighed with relief, but a part of him still wanted his relationship with Laurens to live on.  

Alex could only muster up a whisper, "How about John?" 

Thomas looked at his husband knowingly and sniffled, "oh, I love it, hammycakes!"

Alex knew deep down that this child was going to be special, just like his good friend. He looked up to the stars and whispered for the last time,

"Laurens, I'll always love you."

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