arrival at mashimarimata iruma kun

939 21 7

rimuru pov ;

ha im finally here fufufu gotta thank ciel she has been help to ever since i first entered the world i call home a.k.a tempest and also gotta thank her a second time  for making me remember this place since i have liked this anime since i was 14 years old back at my world and i also have tooken a liking to iruma a lot and my favorite character kalego and his iconic scene's and wording like silence so i gotta admit this will be lots of fun to learn and start to be feared by the students and maybe just maybe i can blast kalego to earn respect against my fellow classmate-

[master you came here to be a teacher not a disrespectful student violating the school property or rather destroying it just to break the poor man's back and take his life]

your no fun at all ciel your like my mom

[well as long as he is a respectable man and someone of proper manner's along with respect among you and others i will won't let him fall victim to your immature pranks ]

your the one to talk after i had to save you from being erased from existence

[master thats not fair...]

hehhehehehehhe okay now stop talking i need to make a resume to become a teacher 

[master i can locate one and  lead you in the right direction if you want me to]

fine i guess i forgive you

[thank you master]

i stopped talking to ciel because it takes a few hour for her to know the entire area of this anime since she does'nt give me the result until she knows everything and i mean EVERYTHING about this place the culture the people the timeline everything so she wont stop till she knows everyone's secrets and identities so i have to wait till she is done for know i have to go on and wonder around this place till ciel is done with her research and other stuff. i was wrong about this place its bigger than i expected so i started to speedrun going around this place so i can check almost everywhere before i can become babyls new teacher.

[master im done]


[yes im done now master]

but i-

[this place is smaller than the last dimension we visited ]


[master you have other things to worry about right now]

ciel what do you mean other things to worry about

[the entrance ceremony is almost complete and you may have to use force to be hired]




[they hire teachers in advance to teach there so-]

ciel hold it and give me my resume from my last world  need to hurry

[okay master here]

i got the resume ciel made for me on my last world and teleported to the school and i was right on time the entrance ceremony already ended so i could talk to sullivan alone now ... wait.. i quickly transformed into my adult form and tied me hair up and used my skill 'dress change' to change into a formal outfit i used when i was about to depart to drorgon.

i burst into sullivan's office with my slowest speed possible hiding my full presence the old man jumped at my sudden apeareance ''miss why are you here'' i scouted he room 

he just as i suspected

''hello sullivan'' i said bluntly while staring straight at his eyes or glasses considering he only opened his eyes once or more than that i walked up to him and plopped my resume down and said to him ''i need a job as a teacher here look at my resume please i need the job'' he looked quite a bit suprised at my sudden claim but looked at me with the most timid look i could imagine

sheesh its a big feet with his glasses

''ummm maybe okay i guess'' he said i was shocked as hell ''wait what not even a whats your name or-'' i started to bring out my concerns but he cut me of like i was the vegtable and he was the knife ''yeah becase i guess someone needs to be kalego's assistant teacher after a many refused if you need the job this is the only one i can offer you'' he said but i was more focused on the fact that he looked like a boiled egg than what he said ''umm sure i can be his uhh assistance '' i know that in this anime kalego is a real sadistic person and basiclly everyone fears him and when i was little i used to think he was scary just a bit until i met guy in person so personally i think he'll just be a little fly for me now plus he is weak as hell for me so i can be his assistant teacher or whatever probably in demon code substitute teacher when this guy is sick or whatever or when he is hurt which is likely for his pesonality

''anyway just show up tomorrow at 8;00 pm and you can start your job there'' he said again timidly as fu== ''i will bye bye sir'' WHY DID I CALL HIM SIR HE IS LIKE GOBTA BEFORE I NAMED HIM BUT BETTER okay never mind i guess he is smart but only shows it from time to time like milim when she thinks someone wants to play with her or like when someone dear to her is harmed like probably when iruma his human grandson is harmed like in season 1 he escaped prison just to save him so i guess he is really kind hearted but still way to timid and he also needs to be on high alert i remember when kirio could have killed iruma but he got lucky tho i need to give it to him his plan was solid as a rock if iruma didn't have his grandpa's power at his disposal the school had a very likely chance to become ashes.

i walked out of the school and found a empty field and snapped my fingers thats when i created a new house a small modern house 2 stories tall and a bedroom at the top and at the bottom the living room and a kitchen and i went inside to put the furniture inside well techically i just need to snap my fingers but i want to do it from scrath to pass time since it was only 4pm and i wanted to pass the time till night so i started to make the furniture out of the air surrounding me since its always fun to see how air forms into furniture in a second

iruma pov ;

this day was so stressful why do i always have to get in trouble with things and now that i have a house and food what should i do i mean i know this seems like a common question but what if i get eaten what if i get found out no lets not think about it i mean its not really that bad i guess atleast i can eat but thats all what there is to it what if oji chan is bad no no thats not the case he loves me right i wish i was smarter than this i could never survive ...i mean is being a human in the netherworld okay i dont know

i started to draw on my note book that oji chan gave me and started to sketch some drawings of landscape and human life of the sea and wild i dont know where is better...

a few hours later 

rimuru pov ;

well its now night time and i just finished decorating my house it was really tiring and i don't know how long it could've taken if i had no powers at all but i guess it because i used my telekenisis so i guess it was faster but i don't now why i also bothered to make a barrier and this pool in the back along with a pavement leading to my house with walls along the gate of it so i think thats what made it take so long or is it because of the interior no it can't be well i think i should go in sleep mode so that i dont have to go nuts staying awake just counting the seconds till tomorrow so i guess i should

i teleported straight to my bed 

ciel sleep mode please until its 7;40 am in the morning please

[-sigh- master is so demanding but of course]

sorry hehe and good night ciel have sweet dreams eve if i cant hehe

[okay sis]

i told you not to call me that huhu

[sure but you sure act like it a lot master]

ugh okay 

[well good night and I need to erase some of your memories do not worry master just about you ever knowing about this anime other than your job]


Wait why did I argue with ciel and on second thought what is anime? Well no,with that i drifted of to sleep awaiting for my new job in the morning.

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