The Green Sea

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Several billion miles away, a lonely planet orbits a lightless mass in its solar system. Beneath the dark clouds crackling with green lightning is a glowing green sea of plasma that constantly shifts the world as if it had a mind of its own. Mechanical horrors swim in these waters, their bodies composed of junk metal held together by the same plasma.

This planet was the desolate factory grounds for a death mage who'd stolen and learned the recipe for midorenaid, a kind of still-living ectoplasm created by fusing hundreds of souls into one delirious abomination as a way to bypass enslaved souls turning against their master. The abomination would then be supercharged with magic to become lightweight and behave like plasma. It also acquired a distinct bright green color as a result.
The mage mass-produced the substance in massive, demonic industrial factories worldwide. Believing they had achieved ultimate power, the mage held the Netherrealm crystal artifacts in his hands, unleashing billions of souls worth in midorenaid unaware that such an amount was far beyond anyone's control. It was not long before the mage was overwhelmed and forced to let go, the substance tearing him to pieces. One by one, the midorenaid sought out each factory, tearing them down and releasing all containments. With each demolition, the plasma spread further, eliminating all life in its path and adding to its spectral mass.

Within days, midorenaid flooded the whole planet, over a mile high. With the area now empty of life, the plasma turned its attention to an oceanic world in the distant stars. It could sense life vessels there, so it reached out to grab it, pulling the sphere towards itself until it finally merged, causing a spectacular planetary collision. A bright green flash and a loud voltage noise echoed across the cosmos as the plasma was struck back by the massive impact and the water as it wrapped around its new landmass.

The world was now a green ocean, the midorenaid floating above the sea like oil above water.
Most of the time, it shaped the terrain like its own sandbox, creating mountains in minutes. Ice formed at the peaks would then shatter into deadly rain as the substance tore down its creations in seconds after it had lost interest.
Other times, it would pick up the pieces of the fallen factories like toys in a bathtub, drifting them miles across.
Sometimes one consciousness would decide to move, and the rest would get swept up in the excitement, creating great tornadic spouts or even typhoons of green plasma and water that reached up toward the dark cloudy skies racing with green lightning.

For many inhabitants of the former blue sea, they were living an average day like any other. They watched as the sky turned green, a wave of foam, then darkness. All creatures, big and small, perished in the collision, and tens of thousands of souls scattered across the compound planet.

The great majority fused with the substance upon death, expanding the plasma layer by half a mile. Intact souls swam safely in the waters below the plasma, while those with the strongest wills withstood the harsh conditions of their new home above the water. These selected souls would travel great distances to find a new purpose in the afterlife, eventually leading them to discover the white crystal artifacts at the bottom of the ocean. They picked up the crystals and found themselves capable of controlling the sea above, even if only by a couple of meters. They used the midorenaid to rebuild their bodies out of the scraps left behind from the factories, manifesting as glowing white crystals surrounded by metal, bent and held together by green plasma to resemble a crude, sometimes exaggerated appearance of their former living self.

Some souls told themselves that one artifact wasn't enough, questing to acquire more. The revenants used their power to fight others and steal the crystals for themselves, increasing their size or ability to manipulate the green sea. The deadliest could conjure powerful plasma waves to tear apart other revenants.
Most if not all of these revenants, however, never stood a chance against one particular individual who would be named "Gydiken" by the anthrophidians. In life, Gydiken was an intelligent Kraken-like beast at the top of the food chain, and upon witnessing his end, he wasted no time taking back his title. Gydiken collected one artifact after another, scavenging the ocean floor and slaughtering every revenant in his path. He inherited a collection of twenty-two crystals, giving him enough power to build over three times his original size. Witnesses describe Gydiken as a colossal, architectural abomination, his tentacles tall enough to scrape past the dark clouds and its head possessing horns constructed of skyscrapers.

The greatest among mages claimed he was impossible to defeat, and the arrogant took the challenge with tragic results. Some even claimed they could reason with Gydiken, but none have been successful in doing so. Starships that dared to enter the atmosphere, whether for assault or tourism, could not escape the jaws of the repurposed factories. Casualties lost in such disasters continue to fuel the green sea, and many fear the day in which Gydiken will gain enough power to pull in more planets filled with life.

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