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"Truth or dare, Mikey?" a girl whom had medium lengthed hair in the shade of pastel blue had asked as she had been smiling, said action gracing her features with dimples that could be clearly seen from a distance afar. One of her prominent eyebrows had been raised, as if she had knew the answer he'd say. "Dare," mentioned boy from before replied, smirking, knowing - as well as everyone else - that Quinn, which had been the girl's name, was expecting him to say "truth."

"Oh. Well then, uh, insert curse word here because Ashton would kill me if I said it."

From her wording the others around her had laughed, knowing from what she said was true.

But then Calum had decided to challenge Michael - and he didn't expect that. "I dare you, Michael to..." Calum's eyes skimmed past the other teenagers whom had been sitting at one of the multiple tables scattered upon the cafeteria, then he had turned back to Michael once he had his answer. "I dare you to date the school's slut."

Quinn slapped Calum's arm. Hard. "Ow. I did nothing," Calum pouted. "Exept call someone a slut," Quinn protested. Michael had ignored their conversation. "Who's that?"

"Kirsty Almand," Ashton said, somewhat zoned out. "She isn't a slut, she just...goes through guys quick," Luke defended under his breath, biting his lip afterwards.

"She has sex with them and then fucking -"

"Stop swearing!" Ashton demanded, interrupted from his thoughts for only a brief moment. "Fine."

Minutes elapsed of everyone at the table joking around and laughing, until Quinn had gotten up to throw away her now empty tray of food. Michael had turned around swiftly and abruptly, placing his on top of her's so he didn't have to get up. "Can you take mine, too?" A smile.

"Fuck you, Mikey."

"Stop swearing!"

"I can do what I want, I'm punk rock."

"No. That's my line."

"But I'm your sister, so it makes sense that I can use it."


"You love me."

And before Michael could answer she already had walked away.


I'm sorry this is really bad
all credit to thisisall4you (:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2015 ⏰

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