1. You're the light near but also distant fire.

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I was somewhat surprised the story came out so short, but it is understandable: it was originally written for the public «Чертоги одного лобби | AULpub» in VK the Russian social media as atmospheric description of art above.
Art © 摄氏度℃ (lst128221) from LOFTER.

He's dead. He's gone. He went to another world leaving only burning cold on a ground by the grave and memories stabbing at heart after himself.
Still, how ironic is Player's fate... He had the reputation of failure, he fell as failure. Fell there where they fall every time in every match and stand up to fight again. But he was treated otherwise... That's why he won't be able to desperately strive to ascents and bear regular loses time after time further. It's his point of no return.
And the most terrifying thing is no one found circumstances of Player's unavoidable perdition. No one understood what led him into a permanent death. The one that wasn't expected. Cause of that it set the rest of the lobby an anxiety. The fear that and for them perpetual perdition is inevitable.
And a woe came together with that fear. The his closest people's woe — Veteran's and Captain's one. Exactly their heed pushed into banal respect for deceased by burial. But other teammates didn't care, they were gnawed by uncontrollable anxiety for inevitable death.
Owing to them funeral was happened. People were grieving but went away shortly after keeping Player in their memories only like a loser — unsophisticated, pathetic, unlucky — and only the closest people stayed for grieving because they saw more inside him than clumsy wimp — the best friend...
Offences, bygone jealousy and fights because of this were forgotten. Exactly deceased Player like no other united some of the most serious enemies. Exactly such occurrence made Veteran and Captain understand each other in a completely different way. Made them see in each other more then just rivals. Sharing thoughts about past advantages of their mutual subject of close connection, things they did for him, for his, if only fleeting, but happiness, and what they would to do if death didn't happened.
For the first time Veteran shedded sincere tears over, for the first time he was comforted by gloomy Captain and gave him mutual verbal support. It was their maximum, they couldn't even look in each other's visors and were situated in opposite sides of the grave. Still, it isn't easy for former rivals to get used to joint presence! They were just beginning to to overcome past prejudices about ourselves and the present tries went off smoothly and considerably successfully.
There weren't taunts and irate charges. Only concealed sorrow, muffled grief. The shock. After stingy tears Veteran set to inertly dart a glance on the cold ground like he saw rotting and slowly decaying into atoms friend's body through it. He was feeling so sorry for him, regretting he didn't arrived at rescue in time and wished to reverse the time for learning what threaten Player and drag him out of strong hands of the death or just warn him against coming danger. But Captain on the contrary, he rolled his head up and his heavy pain in the chest was already not so burnt. He was believing in seeing Player in his true form among a tiny stars that is far from material. Believing he is continuing to live. Thinking about he sooner or later will go to him himself, to the stars, will be a ghost in order to best friend will not be bored and sad. That he will reunite with him. But in the meanwhile he just apparently was listening "You should to live further and make new openings. The live continues and the death will always come" advices from him.
The Veteran's and Captain's mental pain had stalled and turned into apathy. There is letting the sufferings go and moving on in their plans, also not cancelling the chance to become friends together for keeping memory about good deceased friend.
Text: 624 words

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