Attentiom Whore

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   Ava was heading home from the first day of school after winter break. She was alone on the side-street she took, normally most of her classmates were also on the road but most of them got picked up by their parents which was upsetting to Ava. She had gotten a new purse she wanted to show to them, again. She was halfway there when she decided to cross the street. There were no cross walks, so anywhere would do when it came to crossing. She crossed at a random point. As she walked across the road she stepped on a sewer grate, which collapsed under her weight. Her head hit the road as she fell, making her scream in distress.
    She fell about 50 feet before landing into a small yet deep pool of wate. She didn't get any major injuries. She quickly got out of the water and looked straight ahead seeing a underground stadium, as she looked around loud yelling and screaming started, it was almost deafening. She covered her ears since she had a massive headache from hitting her head. After a second she removed her hands revealing that the people in the stadiums appeared to be her classmates shouting affirmations at her. She felt like she was on top of the world, all the people in her class feeding her ego. She had forgotten all about her falling through a sewer grate and was loving the attention from her class. After a few seconds of glee, Ava's classmates started throwing what appeared to be roses at her, she ran over to where the roses looked like they'd land.
   All of the roses were going at different rates so she went for the quickest one. It lodged itself into her hand, it felt like a knife just went into palm, blood slowly flowed out around the rose, she screamed, | but she still wanted more roses so she stayed put and let the roses rain around her, never taking the one out of hand. One hit her in the back of her leg, this one felt like a baseball. If it hit the front of her leg it would've broken it but it only hit the back so her knee just buckled in.
   She yelled when this happened gripping the back of her leg. She looked at where it impacted, a huge glob of blood was where the ball hit her. She tried to stand but she just collapsed on the floor. She started dragging herself along the floor when a... hatchet dug itself into the back of her hand. She looked at her other hand where the rose was, except it wasn't a rose, it was a combat knife.
   She stared at them both for a second in shock before letting out a scream. She looked up and saw all sorts of weapons flying over head. One hit in the exact same spot as the baseball, atheist that's what she think it was. As it landed she heard a crack, she yelled for help but it fell on deaf ears. She continued crawling fir a few seconds before realizing, there's no way out...
  She decided not to struggle and just lay there as she got pelted. The first thing to hit her was a pitchfork that lodged itself into the middle of her back, blood squirting out of the puncture wounds. She flinched but bit her tongue hoping she'd die quickly.
   The next thing to hit her was a shuriken in the middle of her head, blood splashed out when it hit giving the shurikena new red coat of paint, although it didn't reach quite far enough to kill Ava. The thing to hit Ava after that was an arrow that hit her directly in the back of her neck blood shot out in a few directions. This shot ended Ava's life.

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