chapter one. movie night

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Vani pov
I was upstairs getting ready for movie night I put on sweats, a hoodie and my hair in a short pony tail. My sister Kash called me down "hurry up or I'm starting the movie without u" I told her ok.

I walked down stairs and saw my older brother he was sticking his tounge out at me because I got him in trouble with mom earlier

What happened earlier

I was simply walking down stairs as a normal person would do and all of a sudden some asshole pushed me slightly, me being the dramatic bitch I am fell down the steps and started crying my eyes out to get my mom's attention, it didn't actually hurt

Now I got my mom's attention. I told her he pushed me down the stairs with full force and I hit my head now  she's screaming at him about God knows what while I'm sitting at the bottom of the steps smirking as I see him trying to defend himself against MOM.

Safe to say he didn't win with me being the youngest.

Back to present day

Now I'm just looking at him smirking and walking past him, he's probably gonna hate me for a few days but he should get over it.

I walk into the living room and see my sister looking through movies, I make my presence known and she goes to the original movie we were gonna watch something that was called stranger things, wait NVM it's a show and apparently the new season came out and she was super eager to watch it with me, so we whatch like two episodes.

Then my mom calls me from her room and tells me to come here so I tell my sister to stop the show and I go to my mom "I need u to run to the store rq take my car or your brothers I dont care I want cigarettes take my id and u can take my credit card and get u something for u and your sister your brother has his own money" "ok"

I go into the living room and tell my sister and she says grab chips,salsa and soda, I say ok and sneak into my brother rooms and take his keys, he's gonna be pissed once he finds out he doesn't have a full tank I thought to myself.

I take the keys put on my sneakers and head out the door and into the car. I decided to go to food lion as it's closer then a gas station and one of the workers know me and know the cigarettes are for my mom. I get into the car and start driving listening to whatever was on the radio.

I pull up to the store and park near the front as to I'm a 17 year old girl going to the store in the middle of the night I take the keys out and walk into the store, I grab salsa,chips,soda, and walk up pay and get the cigs she gave them to me for free as to it was the last pack since they hadn't restocked in two weeks. I get into my brother's car and get a chill down my spine as if I missed something.

I stop and tell myself in over thinking and it's just anxiety. I start up the engine and see some odd figure stand up from near my car..? Odd I think to myself. I start driving to my house and I notice a car behind me, "it's probably just someone who lives near the same street as me" I think once again to myself. They honk there horn twice "uh ok" I kinda speed my driving up till I see smoke from the opposite side of my window. I quickly stop the car and jump out and I see the inside of his left front tire is smoking but it was not popped..?

This other man who looks about 18-19
Jumps out with his friends like 4 or 5 idk there all male which is kinda what freaks me out and everything in my body is telling me to get in my car and drive away as fast as I can home but ofc I don't listen. I tell them "I have a spare in my car if u wanna change it I don't know how to do that it's  up to y'all" I put my hand over my head and squint looking at them through the smoke then one of them says "yeah could we get that?" I tell them ya and walk over to my car get the keys and open the trunk I unlock the compartment with the tire and grab it I take it out and roll it towards them and tell them to have a good night to which one of them responds with "thanks so much" I tell them their welcome and start walking back towards my car. I start hearing a couple of whispers and turn around in which I'm faced with like 5 dudes staring at me intently as if they are spirts.. I can't move,I can't scream and Im stuck in place in shock, they are dangerously close to me and j feel swarmed and ready to cry my eyes out. I suddenly gain consciousness or whatever that was and back up slowly I start bolting down the street it was a pretty blank and im a track runner so I thought this would be easy, get them far away from the car take a breath and bolt back get in the car and drive home.

I'm still bolting down the street as fast as possible it's been atleast 3 minutes and they don't even look worn out, hell I am I keep running and don't stop one of them starts running faster which is scaring the shit out of me he looks like the oldest and he's definitely right on my ass.

I run at the same speed not being able to go any faster and then I'm tackled it to the ground I'm screaming and scratching and the other guys finally catch up.

I'm tired, I'm scared, I'm hungry, and my feet are all scratched up as I hoped some sort of fence or gate cause the road was closed.

And rn I'm scared for my fucking life. I'm still thrashing at this point screaming, spitting, licking, biting but nothings working. I just go limp and pass the fuck out because I'm too scared to face them anymore.

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