Extra 4#

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Bella slowly walk down the stairs to the living room, her eyes did a check around to locate everyone. They all seem busy by themselves and safe but someone or two stuck out too much, which was surprising, Jasper & Rosalie.

Looking around actually, half of the family is missing. "Where's everyone?" Bella spoke out, announcing attention on her, "Dorothea isn't here too?"

Jasper let out an annoyed growl while rolling his eyes, however, this time it wasn't aimed at Bella but toward something else it seems. Rosalie had a similar reaction before pulling up her fashion magazine to cover her face.

The lack of response from the two made Bella more confused as she instead turns to Carlisle by the kitchen counter with his medical papers in hand as he responds to her question, "Emmet & Dorothea are hosting a tea party."

"A tea party? Emmet?" Bella didn't know whether to be laughing or be confused at this information.

Everyone in the Cullens family has known that Dorothea has a collection of antique dolls she likes to keep, her first and most were gifted by Aro, and astonishingly, Emmet soon also joined in this hobby and both grew to be especially protective of their dolls.

But not any dolls, dolls with glass figures, creepy eyes, and history. Those are the type of dolls hidden and cared for in a room by Emmet and Dorothea. In fact, Jasper and Rosalie had a hard time comforting their partner when they couldn't get their hand on the famous Annabella doll and Robert the Doll.

Carlisle even had to hide his credit card and bank to put on a hold from them sneaking out to buy such things.

"Yes, Emmet is currently having a tea party and these two," Carlisle pointed out at Jasper who rolled his eyes as he continues to sulk and Rosalie who in return glared at the father figure, "Have been kicked out."

Bella went up to the seat beside Carlisle as her mind tries to imagine how the tea party was held. She knew it was never in the house and remember Alice once said, "Dorothea loves the meadow while Emmet prefers the cave. One of the two will do."

Everyone was always invited to the tea party, sometimes the Denalis if they were around, although, Carlisle would sometimes deny the invitation and Bella never seem to get one yet.

Edward had told Bella about how the tea party was taken very seriously, "You would have to dress up all fancy according to the theme. Consuming tea is a must and you need to get involved with typical gossip, I guess."

In fact, there are rules along with manners and etiquette to follow.

Unexpectedly, Edward has not once, not attended the tea party while Esme did twice due to her part-time caretaking. And Alice would never miss an opportunity to dress up and be all poise.

"What have they done to be kicked out," Bella slightly held her chuckle, not wanting to anger the blondes, "I would have expected Dean to be the first."

Now, Dean was never one to enjoy this type of activity. In fact, Bella could imagine his disgusted face with the creepy dolls to focus on anything else but Emmet said something about a doll's love? "Yeah true, but Mrs Bellina is head over heels for him, me and Thea couldn't bring ourselves to throw him out."

Carlisle unlike Bella didn't shield his amusement and laughter at Jasper and Rosalie's state. "Well, apparently Rosalie has a foul mouth."

"I do not have a foul mouth!" Rose scream out, her magazine slightly thrown in front of her as she felt embarrassed while puffing out some air through her mouth, "Cleary, Miss Potty was eyeing my man! And I will not let such be!"

After getting kicked out of the tea party, Rosalie has yet to lose her formal way of speaking which was Dorothea's style of speaking and a rule at the party. Something Esme, Edward, and Alice could easily imitate.

But back to the point. Yes, Rosalie Hale is jealous of a mere doll...

Bella then turns to Jasper who still gazing out the window like an abandoned puppy waiting for his owner to return. "Are you going to tell yours, Jasper?" Carlisle smiled while his eye glimpsed at the cowboy before his sheets of paper in hand. Clearly, Jasper's story seems to be more amusing to him.

"Evidently, in the made-up world. My darling is engaged to another man," Jasper was rubbing his temple now, exhausted, "And me flirting with Dorothea is a crime..." Carlisle let out a snort, "To which leads...?"

"Being sentenced to life in prison or ban from the territory! How the fuck would I know that I'm the mistress in that world!" Jasper let out a growl, throwing a pillow at Carlisle to which he caught it quickly, not to scrunch up his sheet.

Both hale was so annoyed at this, that they both stood up declaring a hunt to cool down. Carlisle wishes them well and turns safe yet his taunting smile hasn't left. He then turned his attention to Bella who seems worried about the smile is now presented on her.

"I heard from Esme that someone will be invited to the next tea party," Carlisle rose his eyebrow at Bella, indicating that the someone was her, "If I were you. I would learn the basics manners quick."

Carlisle was clearly pointing out the generation gap between Bella and everyone in the family. And the tea party is a scary place where Dorothea and Emmet aren't the sweet cheery bubbly ones in reality.

Hearing this, Bella felt like sweating.

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