Mall Quest! (part 1)

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(Jack POV)

nonstop. annoying. getting out of hand. that's how I describe the bickering between my buds right now. ever since June moved in, Dirk and Quint have been on her case nonstop. they're don't trust her after the whole 'shooting Big Mama' incident, and have been annoying her. now it's jumping to inventions, diets, weapons of choice, and is just getting out of hand. (see what I did there? did you? did you?)

somebody else would just be all like 'no thank you, let them handle this,' but I would not. for I am Jack Sullivan, post-apocalyptic action hero! also Dirk and Quint's constant parenting is annoying.

problem is though, besides all the pestering, I don't know how to stop said pestering. being in a zombie infested, monster ridden, wasteland of a town doesn't offer much to do. besides survive of course.

me and Rover, my giant pet monster dog for those of you who don't know, go out to scout a couple promising locations. beach? giant octopus monsters, and a creepy lighthouse. laser tag arena? zombies. so many zombies. junkyard? locked. and the entrance is surrounded by zombies.

"you know Rover," I said crossing things out on my list, "when I first came here I wasn't planning on doing any of this. I only cared about myself. but now I'm just trying to keep things together between my best buds. how the tables have turned?"

Rover just looked at me for a couple minutes, then went back to playing with a tiny rat monster thing. it scurried away, so Rover chased after it, and I chased after him. he pounced on the tiny monster right in front of...

"the mall!" I exclaimed looking up at it, "why didn't I think of this before? it's perfect! a wide open entrance, a bunch of food, and a bit of everything for everybody! c'mon Rover let's round everybody up!"

now, you might be thinking 'but there's probably zombies or monsters or something' and that is a good thought. but I do not usually have good thoughts. my friends on the other hand did.

"but there's probably zombies or monsters or something," Dirk said,

"and there's probably games, and fun, and stuff!" I countered, "besides we've faced Blarg! and won! how dangerous could it be?"

"he has a point." Quint said, "and we are running low on supplies. the mall could be a positvely stupendous opportunity."

"I agree with whatever you said!" I said nodding my head, "now let's go!"

"what so you're not gonna ask what I think?" June snapped,

the three of us looked at June for a couple minutes, a bit stunned. I mean what girl doesn't want to go to a mall? then she gave a little smirk, ran out the door and yelled, "last one there's a rotten Blarg!"

twenty minutes the four of us are standing in front of the mall. for a second. then I rush inside, and pull open the doors.

"welcome!" I say, "welcome to Wakefield's uh-" I look at the sign for a quick moment, "Wakefield's Holly Hayman Memorial Mall!"

"move out the way Sullivan!" June says shoving past me, "those boots at Macy's are mine!"

"I'll be at the hunting shop." Dirk grumbled, "wait where is that exactly?"

"Dirk it's a mall." Quint answered, "there's no hunting store. there is on the other hand-"

"Gamestop!" I shouted as we walked into said store.

"why did you wait until we walked into Gamestop to answer my question?"

"how should I know? hey look star wars store!"

we walked over and dressed up in their favorite star wars characters.

"I'm telling you Obi-Wan Kenobi is the best jedi!" Quint said swinging around his lightsaber, "you did see how he took down Vader right?"

"but Anakin is literally the chosen one, dude." Dirk argued, "and he's like the biggest movie villain ever."

"but Luke started the whole series." I interjected, "and he's skilled at things other than swinging around a lightsaber. like flying x-wings, backflips, there's basically nothing wrong with him."

"so uncivilized." Quint scoffed.

"did you just quote revenge of the sith on me?"

"maybe. June! which star wars character is best?"

June was walking by trying out her new boots when she heard us. she turned around and gave us the worst answer ever.

"I don't know." she said, "Rey?"

me, Dirk, and Quint stared at her for two seconds.

"get her." Quint said.

"what the-" June sputtered as she was lifted up and carried into the store, "AAH! attack of the geeks! help!"

"you are going to sit down and watch every star wars movie, show, gameplay videos, everything!" Dirk said booting up the projector, "until you learn the truth."

"what's wrong with Rey?" June asked,

"you do not want to go there. hit it!"

we got halfway through attack of the clones when a rumble echoed through my stomach.

"any one else hungry?" I asked getting up.

"shh!" June hissed pulling me down, "I want to see what happens next!"

"let's just pause it and get some grub," I suggest, "and while we eat you can tell us what you think."

that got June up. while we walked to the food court, she was telling us all about how cool Padme was, and how romantic her relationship with Anakin was, and how she couldn't wait until she found out who Darth Vader was, which scored her a few knowing glances.

"what?" June asked, "do you guys know who-"

"we're here!" Dirk called, "and so are those zombies."

"ah shoot." I say, "what now?"

"well friend." Quint says in his scientist voice, "time for me to concoct a plan."

five minutes later the zombies are tied up, and we have our food. I have pepsi, pizza, curly fries, and some ice cream which I eat first. June is to distracted talking about Star Wars, and how cool Mace Windu is and how she hopes he never dies, we have to keep her from dropping her food or running into zombies.

"wait." Dirk stops us, "you hear that?"

June and Quint are a little confused, but I hear it too. a low rumble, but not the stomach type, the subway beneath your feet type. scratch that. like a herd of buffalo stampeding. I look down the hallway, to see the ground cracking and all of a sudden a giant worm bursts up. the four of us drop our food and duck into arcade as the worm monster charges forward. it stops right in front of the entrance as if noticing their's nothing to kill. it dives back down, creating a gaping crater in front of the entry doors. on top of that it's tail swipes the ceiling making rubble block of the only door.

so much for a fun day at the mall.

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