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"go home."
you turn to look at whoever was talking to you, you had scanned the place at least three times before you were abruptly met with a hand snapping at you right in your face.
"go. home."
the bartender repeated sternly.
"ohhhh.. im at the bar thats right- ahhhah"
you slurred, too drunk for any type of small talk. how did you get here again? you couldn't remember.
"listen man, you've had way too much alc for your share its time you go home. call an uber or something. im not paying for your medical bills if you get alcohol poisoning."
you turned to him eyes half lidded, eyebrows raised in slight annoyance.
"yeah, yeah.. whatever! im going! byeeurgghh..."
you stumbled out of your seat struggling to walk properly, the other people littered around the bar stared at you as you struggled whether it was out of pity or of interest you still felt insulted either way. they were judging you! how dare they.
you dropped onto a nearby curb hanging your head as you pulled out your phone, time to call a..
"uh what did he say again? a spree right? yeah..."
you clicked on a random driver you thought was cute not concerned about ratings or price or whatever. you just wanted to hop in a cute guys car right about now. your ass hurt from literally slamming it on the concrete.
"where is heeee?"
you whined although you had only just ordered your lift about a minute or so ago. nonetheless he showed up only a few minutes later, or so you assumed. there was a car parked in front of you, headlights blinding you. you stumbled to your feet like a deer in headlights, slamming your palm onto the hood of the silver toyota to keep your head from slamming on it instead. you saw some little leds glowing inside the car and stumbled into the backseat, falling into it face first.
"woah there, a little tipsy huh?"
your driver chuckled as you crawled in the rest of the way slamming the door shut with all of your strength.
"WOah woah woah! watch it hulk- dont go busting up my cameras now."
he said in a panic.
you added sleepily only now noticing the cameras spread about the car,
"ohmygodfd- am i on tv.. hi mom"
you gave a toothy grin at the camera in front of you getting uncomfortably close to the lens.
"well your live on stream soo.. kind of? drop a follow the @ is kurtsworld96."
he shamelessly plugged his user and you were more than happy to oblige.
"yeah okayy.. but only because your cute and i wanna keep seeing your face later. har haar.."
the sudden compliment caught him by surprise but he did see your follow pop up on his phone. after that he just drove in silence and you were quiet for the most part singing to the radio occasionally.
"aaaa.. okay.. tired. i go sleepy bye now.."
you spoke through a yawn falling asleep sprawled all over his backseat, it looked familiar to him just this time the other person wasnt dead. or well, he assumed you werent dead. how could you have died? he hasnt even done anything to you. he looked at his phone watching the comments flood in with things like
'why didnt you kill him ughhh boring'
'this is so fake oml'
and so on.
"listen guys we'll have plenty more bloody gory deaths for you to witness just. trust me. i have a plan for this one."
he gave a massive shit eating smile to the camera in front of him as he hauled you out of his car and into your house leaving you spread out on your floor shoving the camera in your sleeping bodies face a bit more.
"we'll see him again soon i promise."
and with that he left hopping back in his car driving off leaving you to sleep soundly. you were completely knocked out you wouldn't wake up until the next afternoon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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