Safe With Me

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"I-I don't know Bambi...I just..." Dave looked away.

Bambi and Dave have been dating for a few months at this point. They've had their ups and downs, but in the end they trusted each-other and genuinely felt pure love and admiration for one another. It was like they were made for each-other, Bambi being the "big" tough man, and Dave being the soft sweetheart. It was a match made in heaven and both of them knew it at that point. They trusted one another, they loved each-other; so that's why Bambi was taken aback when Dave hesitated to agree to starting a sexual relationship.

"I'm sorry! I don't know I-" Dave stuttered, he put his hands on his face.

"'s okay to say no. I know I wasn't ready for a very long time and I'm more than happy to wait if it means you feel comfortable." Bambi was quick to it. He never ever would let himself do something Dave was uncomfortable with. To him, that was his baby, his everything and he'd never let anyone hurt him, including himself.
"I won't be mad, I promise, okay?"

"No that's the thing! I feel like I'm ready I'm just..." Dave turned his head away again.
"I'm scared...not of you! Just...Mmn..."

"Oh..." Bambi crawled up to Dave and into his lap, snuggling up like how he knows Dave likes it.
"If you're scared it'll hurt, we don't have to start with that!"


"I swear it's fine, you're worrying too much, Davey!" Bambi nudged him a bit playfully.

"I know, I can't help it..." Dave looked down at his partner.
He took a deep breath.
"I've had a sexual experience before and I...didn't like it."

"Huh? You told me you were a virgin!"

"I don't count it..."

Bambi sighed. He decided to put his beliefs on what counts as virginity to the side and focused on his boyfriend.
"Can you at least tell me what happened?"

Dave closed his eyes and took another deep breath.
"It was all the way back in was the last day so everyone was sort of just doing what they want. I- never really had a lot of friends back then so I was sort of on my own."

"That's stupid! Who wouldn't wanna be your friend! I'll beat them up!!!" Bambi huffed.

Dave let out a little giggle.
"Bambi, I was the math nerd, what do you expect!"

"Hmmm...I'd still beat them up..." Bambi shook his head.
"Continue now though!!"

"Ah- right...There was one guy though, he had talked to me a bit but not a lot. He was a trouble maker, though. Like one of those people you either hated or adored."
Dave sighed.
"He came up to my desk and told me our geometry teacher needed to see me, I thought it was something good because we were both on great terms, so I followed him right away...that was a mistake I wish I never made."


"...We walked down the hall to where the teacher's classroom was, but the guy grabbed my hand before I could walk in..."
Dave took in a shakey breath.
"He took me to the locker room...when I walked in there were a lot of other guys there..."

"...Davey..." Bambi looked up at his boyfriend with compassion.

"T-They grabbed me and took off my clothes and wouldn't stop until they were satisfied or something, I don't know!"
Dave stared to breathe heavy, closing his eyes as tears started to fall from his eyes.
"I screamed for them to stop but they covered my mouth up, and I was crying and it hurt, but they didn't stop, Bambi! They wouldn't—"

" don't need to say anything else, hon..."
Bambi turned his body to face Dave.
"Listen to me please."
He wiped a tear from his boyfriend's face.
"I will never ever hurt you like how those- those fucking sad excuses for people did to you. You're my everything. I love you."
Bambi stood up a bit and gave his boyfriend a peck on the cheek.
"I love you even if we don't have a sexual relationship. I would much rather be sitting here with you then making you feel...awful."

Dave x Bambi positive vent story (cover unrelated) (read desc. for TWs)Where stories live. Discover now