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Harper had met up with Dick, his body decorated by the familiar blue and black of his Nightwing suit as they entered the abandoned factory.

Dawn stood desperate, her body trembling as her Dove suit felt as if it was weighing her down. How could she wear it while Hank was counting his seconds? There was no Dove without Hawk.

She pointed a gun at Jason who stood eyeing the three of them smugly, the detonator in one hand and his helmet in the other.

Dick threw his ninja star, knocking the gun from Dawn's grasp as it clattered to the floor.

She spun around frantically, her grief and rage slowly consuming her.

" Who invited these two?" Jason said bitterly as Harper held his gaze. Jason's eyes softened for a split second before it became cold, so cold that Harper couldn't even recognise him. There was no warmth, no sense of care in his eyes as he looked at her.

Dick slowly approached Dawn, but Harper didn't remove her stare from his.

" Dawn don't" he shook his head as she looked at him furiously. " What did you do?"

Dawn didn't respond as she glanced at the gun laying a few feet from them. Dick's eyes followed her direction as she lunged for it, him lurching forward as well.

Harper stepped aside, stunned as the two began to fight. Jason's smirk widened as the two grew violent, Dawn not holding back as they battled for the weapon.

" Jason" she called, catching the boy's attention which he pulled away from the scene to her.

" It's entertaining isn't it. " he chuckled darkly. " Family fighting for family, with family." she took careful steps towards him, her eyes apathetic as she looked at him. That alone stung both of them. There was no love, none that at least was shown, now it was pure and utter ire.

" Don't do this Jason" she said as she outstretched her hand. " Just hand over the device and come home."

The boy scoffed as Dick grunted, Dawn's foot meeting his chest.

" Home?" he spat. " I don't have that, I never did. It's time to grow up Harper, I know I did."

" You've crossed the line this time Jason." she derided as she stood in front of him. " If you continue, you're throwing away everything. " she wavered for a second. " You do this, and I will never forgive you."

" It's time for you to realise something Harper. " he said as he took a step forward. " You can't save everyone."

Harper felt the cool metal of a gun touch her hand as he placed his weapon in her grasp. Harper looked down as her hand shook. Jason smiled as he took a step back.

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