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[Name] and Danny Maxo walked along the beach. He slipped a nervous hand into hers and she smiled at him. Tiny little waves rolled against the sandy shore. Danny leaned over, grabbed a rock and hurled it into the distance.

"Forgive me for being blunt," Danny said, returning to grab [Name]'s hand. "But I heard about you and Vader."

[Name] raised her eyebrows, suddenly a bit perturbed by Danny's admission.

"Really? What exactly did you hear?"

"Just that you were involved and something split you apart."

[Name] paused, then pulled her hand from Danny. He stared into her face. Eyebrows pressed together in concern. He gently touched her neck. A small breeze stirred the curls about his head.

"Did he do this to you?"

[Name] averted her gaze. "No..." she said.

"Don't lie," Danny pressed. He grabbed another rock from the sand and hurled it into the distance.

"Everyone knows how Vader is. I wonder why he didn't finish you off."

"What makes you think he wants to?" [Name] griped.

Danny looked at her. "Oh, well the fact that he did it in the first place-"

"You know nothing about us," [Name] snapped. "And I'm not going to explain it to you, because you'll never understand."

"I understand all right... but if it were me, I'd never do that to you."

He touched [Name]'s face.


Darth Vader stood with Commander Ixo atop the ocean tower in the control center. In the distance sun beams struck tiny ocean waves and sparkled against the glass window, nearly blinding Ixo. Vader, vision shaded by his dark goggles wasn't the least bit uncomfortable.

The commander furrowed worried eyebrows as Vader gazed into the distance, eyes seeming to miss no detail as he scanned.

"As I was saying, Lord Vader, the factories are producing double the output We've now amassed untold numbers of Star Destroyers, and other weaponry you'll find more than useful for maintaining the peace. Especially with this so-called rebellion I hear is trying to surface."

"What do you make of this rebellion, Captain Ixo? I've seen nothing of it yet."

"Ah, but Intelligence has reported clandestine meetings throughout the Empire, from core planets to the Outer Rim."

"They will be squashed quickly," Vader said.

"I'm certain they will, my Lord."

Vader's gaze froze.

"...Interesting," he said.

The Sith Lord honed in some miles away, toward an eastern beach. Two figures stood close together, near embrace. He pulled a scope from the tower overhead for a better look. He could magnify the images far better that way.

Looking inside, he could see [Full Name] and an unknown human male.

"Commander Ixo, you were instructed to take [Full Name] elsewhere. And yet she is here in Rea. Were you aware of this?"

"Yes, my Lord. I believe your instructions were to take her wherever she wanted to go. Lady Nafur requested a villa here in Rea."

"And you obliged?"

"You said, anywhere she wanted to go."

Vader's mask approximated a sigh.

"Who is the man at the villa with her?"

"I would have to see, my Lord."

Vader swung the scope toward Commander Ixo with a bit of fury behind it. The Commander peered through the goggles then pushed it away.

"An Imperial soldier," Ixo informed. "Danny Maxo."

"Danny Maxo..."

"From the lower ranks of the Imperial forces."

Vader scoffed. "You should have given me fair warning, Commander."

The metal lungs inside of Vader began to wheeze.

"Yes, but I was instructed not to divulge information regarding her whereabouts and so I complied, my Lord."

"Leave me," Vader suddenly roared. He grabbed hold of the periscope and pulled it from the ceiling, bending the steel with brute strength and will. He summoned the force with a furious rage and a tornado-like wind sent it careening across the control room.

Commander Ixo saluted the Sith Lord then motioned for the others, who thankfully were just out of hearing range, away from the control center.

Vader held tight to the control panel and willed his circuits back under control. To gain control of his heart rate, blood flow, and breathing. He'd finally gotten past his relationship with [Name]...somewhat. Enough to convince himself to move on, to give her the space she needed, and to never look back again. Apparently she moved on too. But much too quickly.

Errant thoughts raced through Vader's brain. Angry thoughts that questioned whether or not she ever loved him at all. Thoughts that pushed him into harming her, and splitting them apart to begin with. [Name] cared, he assured himself. He needn't feel so insecure.

Move on, he pleaded with himself.

But it was impossible now. He'd already seen her, and thus unleashed a hunger that couldn't be satisfied until he had her again. He wanted it all. The Universe, the powers of the dark side, and [Name] too.

Of little significance was getting rid of Danny Maxo. A flick of his hand would see to that.

Vader's New Love || Darth Vader x Reader [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now