The Alola Pokemon League continues. So far, Ash has been sucessfully been able to eliminate Compress from the tournament, but Spinner and Guzma still remain. Meanwhile, The League Of Villains are planning to use Pokemon to take over the Pokemon Worl...
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Caster: Here we go again! Look at that, the Pokemon are locked in a stare out.
Sophocles: Wow, talk about a lucky break.
Kiawe: Decidueye didn't charge up enough power for that Sky Attack. But both Rowlet and Decidueye must be at their absolute limits by now.
Rowlet: Row!
Rowlet flies up.
Caster: And Ash's Rowlet makes the first move.
Ash: Razor Leaf, let's go!
Rowlet: Row! *Uses Razor Leaf*
Hau: Use Razor Leaf!
Decidueye: Decidueye! *Uses Razor Leaf*
Both Razor Leafs cancel each other out and Rowlet flies closer to Decidueye.
Killua: (Normally I wouldn't be surprised by something like that. But the fact that Rowlet's attack was the same strength as its final evolved form is something else. It just goes to show how hard Ash and his Pokemon have been working.)
Ash: Use Seed Bomb!
Rowlet: Row! *Uses Seed Bomb*
Hau: Send it back using Leaf Blade!
Decidueye: Decidueye! *Uses Leaf Blade*
Leaf Blade deflects Seed Bomb.
Hau: All right Decidueye, Spirit Shackle!
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Decidueye: Decid! *Uses Spirit Shackle*
Ash: Rowlet, dodge!
Spirit Shackle stops Rowlet from moving.
Row: Row row row!
Hau: Build up to full strength. Use Sky Attack now!
Decidueye: Decid!
Ash: Rowlet! Use Feather Dance! Remember what Tucannon taught you!