Chapter 1

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Far away from the populated city lies a small village. There, you'll see happy kids playing and running around freely. Some big farms owned by some families to eat. Barns where cows and sheep live. Technically, most of them are poor but not really that poor to afford enough food to themselves. But still, they don't have enough money to afford anything they truly want because none of them don't even have a job.

They could've lived into the city so they won't suffer like this. They could have a job if they lived there. But why would they run away?

To answer the question, the city was ruled by aristocrats, they made rules that are against some people will that as a result, half of them sneakily left the city.

Not only did they escape the city, they also stole food and various stuff from wealthy shops. Some others got caught by the owners and aristocrats. The others have no choice but to leave them behind otherwise all of them might get caught, especially the children.

They always wonder, what did the aristocrats do to those who got caught? Only god knows what they did to them.

"My dear husband, I wish to have a child who is free as a dandelion who flows around through the wind in the air, and bright as the sunny day" a married woman said to his husband as they watch the birds fly around.

The husband smiles as he touches his wife's big stomach "Soon, my dear. He will become like what you want him to be" he said then kiss his wife's pink lips.

A moment before the woman's face frowned "But what if the aristocrats will find us? What are we gonna do for a living? What about our poor child?" She wonders.

The husband sighs "We'll do our best to protect our family. If I get caught, you and your mother will take care of our child"

"Don't talk like that! Our child needs you too!" The wife fakely cried as she dries her invincible tears with her hands.

The man laughed and hugged his wife "I'll do anything for both of you" he said as he kissed his wife's forehead.


A new angel was born a month later. The husband was excited yet concerned because of his wife's situation.

The sound of the wife's painful scream fill the room as she pushes her baby out. The husband has no choice but to only kiss her sweaty hands and forehead while the wife's mother take care of her.

Tears and sweat filled the wife's face not until she hears a loud crying noise of the baby. She's too tired to look at it so she catches her breaths first.

"It's a she" her mother said in a low voice.

The married couple was shook. The wife's mother gave their child to the man carefully to let them see. The husband looks at the baby with glow and happiness. While the mother has coldness in her eyes. The look of the wife didn't escape from her mother. She knew her daughter expected a boy and doesn't want a girl.

"Darling, our baby girl looks exactly like you! She inherited your beautiful brown hair as well as your eyes and lips!" The husband smiled happily "what should we name her?"

The wife frowned, she couldn't hide the fact that she's disappointed and her mother noticed this but she didn't say anything. It's a relief that her husband is too busy looking at their beautiful child.

The wife finally spoke "I don't know. You should just name her instead. I'm too tired to think, I need to rest" and with that she closes her eyes.

The husband was surprised by his wife's change of attitude but he just brushed it off, thinking that she's probably tired. So he just asked for help from her mother to help her clean their child.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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